About Access Links
Access links connect to the external source and fetch data.
The following access link types can be created:
Web service - RESTful link: A web service link provides the mechanism to connect to a web service using representation state transfer (REST) operations. With these types of data access links, the web service APIs of third-party applications can be used to perform necessary functions, instead of developing custom applications to perform the same actions. To configure a RESTful link, you need the API request URL (HTTP/HTTPS) with the desired method (Get, Post, Put, Delete), along with any necessary authentication details. If necessary, a header and body can be provided as well.
Working on access links involves:
Configuring authentication details: If the data links you are creating require authentication, you can configure the authentication format and details. For more information, see Configuring Data Adapter Authentication Information.
Creating access links: Creating access links is the first step in creating data adapters. Access links extract the data from the source.
Testing access links: After creating the access links you can test them to ensure that they are working properly.
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