About Precision Queues
A precision queue is a mechanism that defines how to route calls to agents depending on each agent’s proficiency attributes and availability. Precision queues can be referenced in routing scripts to define how calls are routed.
Precision Queues can only be created on organizations that are associated with a Unified CCE instance running Unified CCE version 10.5 or later.
Precision Queue Steps
A precision queue contains one or more precision queue steps. Each step includes:
Some criteria defining a set of agent attributes that must be satisfied when choosing an agent to receive the call
A time to wait for a suitable agent to become available, after which the criteria specified in the next step are considered instead (this feature is not available for the last step, since there is no next step after the last step).
Typically, the criteria specified in successive steps will get progressively less stringent. For example, the first step may specify that:
The agent has been trained to sell mortgages (for example, Mortgage_Training is True)
The agent is an excellent Spanish speaker (for example, Spanish_Speaker >= 8)
The call will be held for up to 120 seconds waiting for an agent meeting these criteria to become available.
The next step is only considered if no agent becomes available in that time, and may specify that:
The agent has been trained to sell mortgages (for example, Mortgage_Training is True)
The agent can speak Spanish (for example, Spanish_Speaker >= 3)
The call will be held for up to 300 seconds waiting for an agent meeting these criteria to become available.
The final step may specify that the call can be routed to any available agent who can speak Spanish at any level (for example, Spanish_Speaker >= 1).
Consider If Conditions
Any step except the last step can have a Consider If condition associated with it. A Consider If condition allows you to specify additional criteria about the call to determine whether the step is relevant for that category of call.
For example, a Consider If expression may be used to include a specific step only if more than 100 calls of a certain type have been received in the last 24 hours.
The Consider If expression is passed directly to Unified CCE and validated there. For more information about Consider If expressions, see the Unified CCE documentation in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Features Guide.
Each step consists of:
One or more expressions
The rules for combining those expressions.
An expression defines a set of requirements an agent must satisfy in order to receive the call. Expressions in a step can be combined using AND (both the latest expression and the previous one must be satisfied) or OR (either the latest expression or the previous one, or both, must be satisfied).
For example, a step may have two expressions, one specifying some skills an agent may have, and the other specifying some qualifications an agent may have. If these two expressions are combined in a step using AND, calls will only be routed to agents that have both the specified skills and the specified training. But if the expressions are combined using OR, calls can be routed to agents with either the skills or the training or both.
Attribute Comparisons
Each expression consists of:
One or more attribute comparisons
The rules for combining those attribute comparisons.
An attribute comparison is an attribute, a value and a rule for the comparison. Some typical attribute comparisons are:
Spanish_Speaker >= 8
Mortgage_Training = True.
Like expressions in a step, attributes in an expression can be combined using AND or OR.
Tip for Constructing Steps, Expressions and Attribute Comparisons
To keep your steps and expressions simple, you may like to:
Group your attribute comparisons into expressions using AND (for example, an expression is made up of AttributeComparison1 AND AttributeComparison2 AND AttributeComparison3)
Group your expressions into steps using OR (for example, a step is made up of Expression1 OR Expression2 OR Expression3)
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