A user is an eGain Analytics portal user with an eGain Analytics login. A user may be associated with a person resource but it does not need to be.
User Properties
Details Tab
Shows the item details.
Folder: Only shown when the item is first created. The folder in which to create the item.
Login Name: A unique login name for the Portal user. Any Unicode character is valid. Additionally, for an Internet Script Editor enabled user, the login name must correspond to an existing Windows active directory user. This name must be formatted as <domainname>@<username>, where <username> is the Windows username and <domainname> is the fully qualified Windows domain name, for example, iseuser1@testdomain.local
Password: The password for this user. The password cannot be the same as Login Name and must meet any password restrictions that are specified by the system administrator in Settings > Security Settings. Additionally, for an Internet Script Editor enabled user, the password must match the password for the corresponding Windows active directory user.
Confirm Password: Must be the same as for Password.
First Name: The first name of the eGain Analytics portal user.
Last Name: The last name of the eGain Analytics portal user.
Email: The user’s email address. Must be a valid email address in the format name@domain.extension.
Description: A description of the item.
Culture: The language and location setting for this user.
User Home Folder: The user’s home folder. The user is positioned here when they log on.
Create a new folder for this user: Only shown when user is first created. Select to create a new folder for the user below the specified User Home Folder. The name of the new folder will be the specified Login Name followed by the default folder suffix specified in Settings > Security Settings > User Folder Suffix.
Advanced Mode: Indicates whether this user has advanced mode functionality.
Account Enabled: Indicates whether this user is currently active on the system. The user will not be able to login to eGain Analytics if this is not set.
Local Login Enabled: Indicates that the user can access eGain Analytics using local login.
Internet Script Editor Enabled: Indicates that the user can access Cisco's Internet Script Editor using the security settings of this eGain Analytics user.
ISE Password: Only shown when Internet Script Editor Enabled is selected. The ISE password of the eGain Analytics portal user. The password must match the password for the corresponding Windows active directory user.
The following fields are only shown on the Details tab when a user is first created. For existing users, they are shown on a separate Password tab.
User must change password at next logon: Indicates that this password is only valid for a single login. If set the user will be forced to change their password the next time they log in to eGain Analytics.
Password Never Expires: Indicates that the password will never expire. If not set, the password will expire after the number of days specified in Settings > Security Settings > Password Expiry.
User cannot change password: Indicates that the user cannot change their password. If not set, the user can change their password using Settings > Change Password.
Password Tab
Shows the password details for this user. This tab is not shown when a user is first created (the required information is shown on the Details tab). This tab is not shown at all if the installation uses single sign-on.
Reset Password: Select to reset the user's password to a value of your choice, for example, if the user has forgotten their password or been locked out of the system because they have entered their password incorrectly several times. If you set this, you may also want to set User must change password at next logon to force the user to choose a new password when they next log in.
Password: Only shown if Reset Password is selected.
Confirm Password: Must be the same as for Password.
User Exceeded Maximum Login Attempts: Set if the user has exceeded the number of incorrect login attempts specified in Settings > Security > Login attempts before lockout.
Password Never Expires: Indicates that the password will never expire. If not set, the password will expire after the number of days specified in Settings > Security Settings > Password Expiry.
Even with a password that never expires, if a user does not log in within a specified time limit, the account is disabled. By default, this time limit is 120 Days.
User cannot change password: Indicates that the user cannot change their password. If not set, the user can change their password using Settings > Change Password.
User must change password at next logon: Indicates that this password is only valid for a single login. If set the user will be forced to change their password the next time they log in to eGain Analytics.
Groups Tab
Shows the groups that are associated with this user.
Groups: A list of groups associated with this user. This is an association grid.