Merging Items

The Merge function is accessed using the Merge button in the Items panel of the Resource Manager tool.

The Merge function is only supported for Person items. You can use the Merge function to merge a Unified CCE Person and a Unified Communications Manager End User to create a single person.

Master Item

The master item is the item to which all other items will be merged into. The master item may already be selected for you based on selections made in Resource Manager before entering the page. The equipment that the item is currently located on is shown in brackets after the item name.

To select a new master item, click a row in the Selectable Items table.

Items to Merge

The Items to Merge section of the page displays the current list of items to be merged into the master item. These items may already be selected for you based on selections made in Resource Manager before entering the page.

To add an entry to the Items to Merge list you must first locate the item in the Selectable Items sections of the page. Once the item is located, expand the row using the cross to show a list of equipment which the item is located on. Select which item equipment mappings you wish to merge into the master item by selecting the check boxes.

To remove an entry from the Items to Merge list, click the cross located next to the item name.

Filter Options

You can filter the Selectable Items table using the Filter Options section of the page. Enter part or all of an item name and press the Find button.

You can filter a search by a specific piece of equipment using the Filter by Equipment drop-down box. You can search for an item across all pieces of equipment by selecting the All Equipment option.


When you have selected one or more items to merge, select the Merge button to merge the items into the Master Item. This displays a confirmation message for you to check that the items being merged are correct. Press the Confirm button to commit the changes.

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