System Settings
A user with sufficient permissions can change various provisioning, reporting, security, and login settings.
Changing the System Settings
To change the system settings:
Click the drop-down arrow beside your user name on the menu bar.
In the Settings section, select System Settings.
Select the tab that corresponds to the type of setting you want to change:
Reporting: Change the reporting settings. For more details, see Reporting Settings.
Provisioning: Change the provisioning settings. For more details, see Provisioning Settings.
Security: Change the security settings. For more details, see Security Settings.
System: Change the login settings. For more details, see Login Settings.
Click Save to save your settings.
Reporting Settings
The following reporting settings can be adjusted:
Max Report Update Interval: The maximum update interval (refresh rate) in seconds that can be set for real-time reports.
Min Report Update Interval: The minimum update interval (refresh rate) in seconds that can be set for real-time reports.
Report with Fiscal Dates: Whether fiscal dates are included with the relative date options when running a historical report. Relative dates are dates relative to today’s date, for example, Last Month and Yesterday. Fiscal dates are dates like, for example, Last Quarter. Select from the drop-down list.
Show Report Update Interval Slider: Whether the user sees a slider control to allow them to change the refresh rate when viewing a real-time report.
System URL: The common URL of the application server, with which all users access the system. Set this to the URL that end users use to access the platform.
Provisioning Settings
The following provisioning settings can be adjusted:
Agent State Trace Enabled: Whether the State Trace check box on the agent Advanced tab can be selected. When state trace is enabled for an agent, Unified CCE captures details of every state transition made by the agent. This is not selected by default due to the additional load it places on Unified CCE.
Security Settings
The following security settings can be adjusted:
New Folder Inheritance Default: Whether Inherit Permissions is selected by default when a new folder is created.
Password Format: The required format for the password entered by a user. The options are:
Custom: A custom string defined by a regular expression. This is for system administrators only, and requires a knowledge of regular expressions.
Low Security: Any string of any length.
Medium Security: Any string between the minimum and maximum password length.
Medium/High Security: Any string between the minimum and maximum password length, containing at least one lowercase value, one uppercase value and one numeric value.
High Security: Any string between the minimum and maximum password length, containing at least one lowercase value, one uppercase value and one numeric value, and at least one of the following special characters: @ # $ % ^ & + = !
Where an available password setting is related to the format of the password, changes made to that setting do not automatically alter other related settings. For example, you may specify that the password follows the Medium Security format, and that the minimum password length is 6 (instead of the default value of 8). If you later change the password format to High Security, the previously-set minimum password length of 6 still applies to the new password format, unless you change it again.
Password Expression: A regular expression defining the required password format. Only shown when the selected Password Format is Custom.
Minimum Password Length: The lowest number of characters the system accepts as valid for a password. Only shown when the selected Password Format is one of Medium Security, Medium/High Security or High Security. For all formats, the minimum length a password can be set to is 1 character.
Maximum Password Length: The highest number of characters the system accepts as valid for a password. Only shown when the selected Password Format is one of Medium Security, Medium/High Security or High Security. For all formats, the maximum length a password can be set to between 1 and 80 characters.
Minimum Password Age (days): The number of days a user must wait between password changes.
Password Expiry (days): The number of days before the user is asked to change their password.
Number of previous passwords to check: The number of previous passwords the user cannot reuse when choosing a new password.
Login attempts before lockout: The number of times the user can enter the wrong password before being locked out of the system.
User Folder Default Role: The default folder role that a new user is given on the user folder when the Create a New Folder for this user option is selected during user creation. This is a drop-down containing a list of the folder roles available in the system (for more information see Roles). Note that you still need to give the user the correct global roles so that they can actually use these permissions (for more information see Global Roles).
User Folder Suffix: (Optional) The suffix which, when added to a user's name, becomes the name of the personal folder created when the Create a new folder for this user option is checked during user creation. This is disabled when using single sign-on.
Groups to create when removing inheritance: The groups that are automatically created when a folder becomes a policy root, and the roles and global roles that they are assigned within that folder and its child folders. You can select a group and assign it a role and global role, or clear the group, so that is not created automatically when a policy root folder is created. If you clear the check box for all the specified groups, no groups are created automatically. See Inheritance and Policy Root Folders for more information on policy roots.
Login Settings
The following login settings can be adjusted:
Product Name: The name of the application. This is the name that is shown at the left of the top menu.
Set for language: The language for which you are modifying the login settings. Select the language from the drop-down or select (Default Entry) to define the messages displayed for users of other languages. You can edit the following settings for each language.
Login Message: The message displayed to a user before the user logs into the system. You can use a plain text message or insert your own HTML tags to apply formatting. You can remove the message entirely by leaving this field blank.
Message Agreement Link (Login Message): The text to display on the button that the user clicks to proceed from the login message (if displayed) to the login page. This text should be no longer than 40 characters.
Post Login Message: The message displayed to a user after the user has logged into the system. You can use a plain text message or insert your own HTML tags to apply formatting. You can remove the message entirely by leaving this field blank.
Message Agreement Link (Post Login Message): The text to display on the button that the user clicks to proceed from the post-login message (if displayed) to the application. This text should be no longer than 40 characters.
Upon defining the messages for a language, click Save to save the settings for that language, before selecting another language from the Set for language drop-down. Otherwise, the settings for that language are lost. The login and post login messages should not exceed six lines (about 500 characters) in the default 8 point font or three lines in 14 point font.
The login and post login messages have a maximum limit of 2000 characters. This includes the HTML tags embedded in the plain text.
When the system is first installed, the login message is set to a default message. This is pre-translated for the supported languages. For all other languages, the default login message is in English.