Previewing Articles

After creating your article, you can preview it to see how it will appear to the end user. This lets you see if the article appears as you intended. Both the content and the attachments of an article can be previewed.

Authors who have been assigned a Knowledge+AI license can also preview their article in the Portal using Preview in Portal. Preview in Portal allows you to see exactly how it will appear to the end-user on the self-service portal.

To print preview an article:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Articles.

  2. From the Folders List, select a folder.

  3. From the Articles List, click the Toggle View list button to expand the view of the articles list.

  4. Click the checkbox next to the article to select it. 

  5. Now, click the Print Preview print preview button.

  6. The Print Preview window appears. Here you can preview the details, metadata, attachments, and so on. If you have used any macros in the article and have not expanded them, they appear expanded in the preview window so that you can also preview its content.


To preview an article on the portal:
  1. In the Navigation menu, browse to Authoring > Articles.

  2. Go to a folder and in the Articles List select an article.

  3. In the Content pane, click the Context Menu more button.

  4. From the dropdown menu, select the Preview in Portal option.

  5. In the Preview Option window, configure the following fields:

    1. Portal Name: Select the portal you wish to use for previewing the article.

    2. Portal URL: The URL of the portal you wish to use for previewing the article.

    3. Make this my default portal for previews: Check this box if you wish to use the configured portal as your default for future Preview in Portal actions.

    preview optiob

  6. Click Done to preview the article.


  7. If the article has been assigned a publish view and the user possesses a user profile, then in the Select Portal for preview dialog window, select the user profile you wish to use when viewing the article.

  8. Select which article edition you wish to preview by clicking View. The displayed information is as follows:

    1. Title: The name of the article.

    2. Display Name: The name of the publish view assigned to the article.

    3. Restrictions: Access tags that have been applied to the article through the Personalization tab, as well as the publish view.

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