About Portal Search 

Search is one of the several options available for accessing the knowledge base. Customers and agents can search the knowledge base by entering keywords or phrases in the search box. Users can narrow down the search by selecting one of the topics, which restricts the list of articles to those residing within the topic.

Some important things to note about portal search are:

  • When article content is searched, the macros in the content are not expanded.

  • Phrases can be searched by embedding the phrase in double quotes. The results that are displayed are called an exact match search.

How Portal Search Works?

You can perform a search on the portal by typing in the search box. The results that are displayed in the dropdown menu are Typeahead suggestions. The typeahead suggestions menu can contain articles, topics, or search strings, where each one can be identified by a different icon. As the user navigates through the dropdown list using the arrow keys, the values in the input box get updated to the selected value. The location of the searched item is also displayed in the dropdown menu. A maximum of 10 items are displayed in the typeahead suggestions dropdown menu.

To view all the search results, click the  Search button or press the Enter key. When you search for an article on the portal, the search results are displayed in the following order:

  • Articles with exact matches appear first

  • Articles with matches for all search terms appear next

  • Articles with matches for some search terms appear last

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