
The suggestions feature allows agents and customers to submit recommendations to the Knowledge Managers and authors for alterations or additions to the content available within self-service.

The self-service link to create suggestions is titled Make a Suggestion. By default, this is not enabled for a web portal.

Self-service administrators can also allow users to review the progress of any suggested articles submitted to the Knowledge Console, by providing the web link My Suggestions. By default, this link is not enabled and is only available for portals with authenticated access.

To configure the suggestions options:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Publishing > Portals.

  2. On the Portals page, select the portal for which you want to enable suggestions.

  3. On the Edit Portal page, go to the More Options tab.

  4. Navigate to the Suggestions section and set the following:

    • Show 'Make a Suggestion' Link: Use this option to allow customers to submit suggestions. By default, this option is disabled.

    • Folder for Article Suggestions: Select the Knowledge folder where the suggestions made by customers should be stored. To select the folder, click the Select Folder button. In the Select Folder window, select a folder. By default, the Content Suggestions folder is selected.

    • Show 'My Suggestions' Link: Enable this option to allow customers to view the status of the suggestions they have submitted. By default, this option is disabled. This allows users to view the status of submitted suggestions from the Manage Suggestions section of the portal. Suggestions are categorized as Submitted, Pending, Approved, and Rejected. Users can also view feedback comments and edit suggestions from here.

      Configure the Suggestions option

  5. Click the Save button.

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