Restricting Access to Customer Consoles

When an IP address or range of IP addresses are blocked, then all other IP addresses can access the Customer Consoles. However, when an IP address or range of IP addresses are allowed to access the applications, then only those IP addresses can access the Customer Consoles.

To set customer console access:
  1. From the Partition and Departments dropdown menu, go to the partition space.

  2. In the Navigation menu, browse to Security > Access Restrictions > Customer Consoles.

  3. On the List page toolbar, click the New New Button button.

  4. On the Properties page, on the General tab, provide the following:

    1. Restriction Type: The restriction status of the IP address. By choosing the option Allow, those IP addresses can access the customer consoles. The Deny option disallows the IP addresses from accessing the consoles. Once you have selected the Restriction type, it cannot be edited.

      If an IP address or range of addresses is listed with Deny and Allow as restriction types, then Deny takes precedence and that IP address or range of addresses will be blocked from accessing the consoles.

    2. Description: Provide a brief description. You can edit this later.

    3. IP Addresses and Ranges: The IP addresses and ranges that are either allowed or denied access to the Customer Consoles. You can use the search bar to search the IP addresses and can also edit them. You can specify the IP addresses in the following format:

      1. Comma separated list: For example,,

      2. IPv6 IP address: For example: 2001:0000:3238:DFE1:0063:0000:0000:FEFB

      3. CIDR range for IPv4 format: For example,

      4. CIDR range for IPv6 format: For example, 2002:db8::8a3f:362:7897

    Customer Consoles

  5. Click the Save button.

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