About Macros

Macros are commands that fetch stored content. They are easy to use and display their contents when expanded. Macros enable users to enter a single command to perform a series of frequently performed actions. For example, an administrator can define a macro to contain a greeting for email replies. Instead of typing the greeting each time, a user can simply use the macro.

It is important to note that a macro’s expansion is contextual to the object, and two macros of similar looking attributes expand differently depending upon the context object. For example, the macros “Email address of the contact point” and “Contact point data of the activity”, both return the email address of the customer, but the first one returns the email address saved in the customer profile and the second one returns the email address associated with the activity in which the macro is used.

There are two possible types of macros:

  • Business Objects macros: In business objects, users can create macros for several objects. For example, activity data, customer data, user data, etc. You have to define an attribute to a macro from the list of system provided attributes. Please note that only a single attribute can be defined for each macro.

  • Combination macros: In combination macros, users can create macros with multiple descriptions. That is, multiple macros can be combined within a single macro. Multiple macros can be selected from both business objects and combination macro types.

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