Configuring the Rich Text Content Policy File

The policy XML file has four notable sections:

  • Common Regular Expressions: In this section, the regular expressions that can be used in the rest of the policy file are defined between the <common-regexps> tags.

  • Common Attributes: In this section, the attributes that can be used while specifying the tag-rules are defined between the <common-attributes> tags.

  • Tag Rules: In this section, the parsing rules that will be used for each tag individually are defined between the <tag-rules> tags.

  • CSS Rules: In this section, the parsing rules that will be used for each CSS property individually are defined between the <css-rules> tags.

Once you have exported the desired policy file from the application to your local directory, you can begin making edits to the XML file.

Adding a Common Regular Expression

To create a common regular expression:
  • Create an alias in the Common Regular Expressions section. For example, to add the common regular expression (\d)+, make the following entry:


    <regexp name=”number” value=”(\d)+”/>


    Here “number” has been used as the alias for the regular expression.

Allowing a New Tag

To allow a new tag:
  • A new tag rule corresponding to this tag must be added in the Tag Rules section. For example, to allow the <span> tag, make the following entry:


    <tag name=”span” action=”validate”/>


    Here, action=”validate” ensures that the attributes of the tag follow the rules outlined for them.

Allowing a New Attribute for a Tag

To allow a new attribute for a tag:
  • The attribute must be added to the corresponding tag rule in the Tag Rules section. For example, to allow attribute dir for the <span> tag, make the following entry:

    <tag name=”span” action=”validate”>

    <attribute name=”dir”/>


Adding a Rule for an Attribute Value

There are two ways for adding a rule for an attribute value:

  • Adding a list of literal values

  • Adding a list of regular expressions

To specify both literal values as well as regular expressions for attribute values, you can use a combination of both.

To add a list of literal values:
  • If you want to allow fixed values for an attribute, you need to specify a list of literal values. For example, to allow values ltr and rtl for attribute dir of the <span> tag, the following entry is made:

    <tag name=”span” action=”validate”>

    <attribute name=”dir” >


    <literal value=”ltr”/>

    <literal value=”rtl”/>




To add a list of regular expressions:
  • An example of adding a list of regular expressions is to allow values that are represented by the regular expression, such as (\d)+(px) and the common regular expression number, for the attribute width of the tag <img>. To do so, the following entry is made:

    <tag name=”img” action=”validate”>

    <attribute name=”width” >


    <regexp value=”(\d)+(px)”/>

    <regexp name=”number”/>

    </regexp -list>



Adding Validation for Attributes

To add validation for attributes:
  • Certain tags and attributes can be blocked by the sanitizer by default and require validation. The following entry is an example of a change that is made in the Common Attributes section to add validation.

<attribute name="start">


<regexp name="number"/>



Allowing a New CSS Property

To allow a new CSS property:
  • A new CSS rule corresponding to this property can be added in the CSS Rules section. For example, to allow the CSS property width, the following entry is made:


    <property name=”width”/>


Adding a Rule for a CSS Property Value

There are two ways for adding a rule for a CSS property value:

  • Adding a list of literal values

  • Adding a list of regular expressions

To specify both literal values as well as regular expressions for CSS property values, you can use a combination of both.

To add a list of literal values:
  • If you want to allow fixed values for a CSS property, you must specify a list of literal values. For example, to allow values auto and inherit for the CSS property width, the following entry is made:

    <property name=”width”>


    <literal value=”auto”/>

    <literal value=”inherit”/>



To add a list of regular expressions:
  • An example of adding a list of regular expressions is to allow values that are represented by the regular expression (\d)+(px) and the common regular expression number for the CSS property width, the following entry is made:

    <property name=”width”>


    <regexp value=”(\d)+(px)”/>

    <regexp name=”number”/>



Allowing Links in the Source Attribute of an iframe Tag

To allow links in the source attribute of an iframe tag:
  • Make the following entry in the XML file:

    <tag name=”iframe” action=”validate”>

    <attribute name=”src”>


    <regexp value=”((http(s:|:))?)((//)?)((www.)?)(externaldomain/)((.)*)”/>




To allow links from w3schools, for instance, simply replace externaldomain with

Using a Plain Text Policy

To ensure that content of your customers, authors, and agents only use plain text, there is a simple change you can make to the policy.

To allow plain text content only:
  • Import a policy file with only the following content:

    <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”ISO-8859-1” ?>

    <anti-samy-rules xmlns:xsi=””xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”antisamy.xsd”>


Allowing File Protocols in the Article Content

To use file protocols in the content of a knowledge article, you can make certain changes to the policy.

To allow m-files protocol in the article content:
  • Make the following entries in the XML file:

    • <common-regexps>
      <regexp name="mfilesURL" value="(\s)(m-files://)[\p{L}\p{N}]+[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Zs}\.\#@\$%\+&";\-_~,'\?=/!\(\)\s](\s)*"/>

    • <common-attributes>
      <attribute name="href">
      <regexp name="mfilesURL"/>

    • <anti-samy-rules>
      <allowed-protocols value="http, https, ftp, ftps, mailto, news, file, notes, tel, sms, data, m-files"/>

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