Onboarding Agents

To open the gadget, choose Add Gadget and select PrecisionQueueAutoSyncOnboarding. You can either onboard agents automatically and let the gadget determine which agents to onboard, or upload a CSV file containing a list of specific agents and the initial values to use for the auto-attribute.

Onboarding Agents Automatically

To onboard agents automatically:
  1. From the drop-down, choose the Precision Queue containing the auto-attribute you want to onboard the agents to.

  2. In On-boarding type, select Automatic.

  3. From Max Queue Depth choose the number of queue steps from which to select agents. All agents that could be selected up to and including that queue step will be onboarded.

  4. Select the minimum Proficiency of the agents you want to onboard.

  5. Click OK.

Onboarding Agents Using a CSV File

To onboard agents using a CSV file:
  1. From the drop-down, choose the Precision Queue containing the auto-attribute you want to onboard the agents to.

  2. In On-boarding type, select File.

  3. Load the file defining the agents you want to onboard. For more information on the file structure needed, see Onboarding file structure.

  4. Specify the Agent Lookup type.

  5. If you want to replace the current proficiency values of the agent, select Overwriting existing scores?. Leave the check box cleared if you don't want to overwriting existing proficiency values.

  6. Click OK.

Once you have completed one of these options, you can start the onboarding process.

Running the Onboarding Process

Upon clicking Start, the gadget can now onboard the agents to the auto-attribute of the precision queue specified, and the results will be displayed on screen. Successful batches display in green. Failed batches display in red.

For more information:

  • Click the number by each heading to open up a details pane, which will display the relevant agents in a list.

  • Click the batch to open up a details pane. For failed batches, this displays why the error has occurred. To work out what changes need to be made to resolve the issue, look at the individual agent in the Resource Manager Guide.

Related Information
  1. About the Precision Queue Auto Sync Onboarding Gadget

  2. Onboarding File Structure
