Creating a Prefix Rule
To create a prefix rule for a organization:
In Resource Manager, in the Folder Tree panel, select the folder containing the organization for which you want to create a prefix rule. The Items panel displays a list of the resource types contained in the folder.
Select Folder (at this level organizations are just another type of folder). The Items panel changes to a list view showing each of the folders and organizations at this location.
Click the organization. The organization details are displayed in the Details panel.
Click the Prefixes tab. Any existing prefix rules associated with the selected organization are displayed in a grid.
Click the Add New Row
button to add a prefix rule.
Fill in the fields as follows:
Prefix: Enter the prefix to match against the internal name (enterprise name) of each resource. Use ‘%’ to match zero or more occurrences of any character. The prefix must be unique for the resource type.
By default, prefix rules are not case sensitive, unless case sensitivity was enforced in the database management system when eGain Analytics was installed.-
The prefix ‘’ matches:
- (unless case sensitivity was enforced on installation).
It does not match:
Type: Select the remote resource type the rule applies to.
Priority: Enter a numerical value between 0 and 9999 to define the priority for this rule. The priority must be unique for the resource type. If a resource matches more than one prefix rule, the rule with the numerically lowest priority value will take precedence.
If there are two prefix rules for agents
- (with a priority value of 0)
- (with a priority value of 9)
The agent will match both, but the first rule will be applied because a priority value of 0 takes precedence over a priority value of 9.
Enabled: Select to enable the prefix rule, clear to disable the prefix rule.
Path: Click to show the folder tree, then select the destination folder where resources that match this rule will be placed on import.
Click Submit to create the prefix rule.
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