Creating Article Types
To create an article type:
In the Navigation Menu, browse to Management > Article Types.
On the Article Types & Templates page, click the New
In the Create Article Type page, provide the following details:
Name: Type a name for the list.
Description: Type a brief description.
Include in search on portals: Select No if you do not want articles using this article type to be considered for search when users perform searches. The default value is Yes.
Include in browse on portals: Select No if you do not want articles using this article type to be displayed under topics and lists on the portal. Articles hidden using this setting can still be accessed via direct web links. The default value is Yes.
Use Structured Authoring: Select Yes if you want to enable structured authoring for articles using this article type. The default value is No. This field is only visible to users if 'Allow Structured Authoring' setting is enabled from the Administration Console. For more details, see the Administration Console Help.
This field is only visible while creating custom article types or while editing the General article type.
- Click the Save button.
The Folder ID field is displayed after you click the Save button. This is an automatically generated unique ID.
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