About Case Bases
The Case Bases node is available only if your system includes the eGain Guided Help module, which is part of the eGain Knowledge+AI products.
Case Bases enable guided, interactive access to knowledge articles. Case Bases are powered by eGain Inference Engine, which uses case-based-reasoning (CBR) to help solve new problems by identifying a similar problem solved earlier and stored in the Knowledge Console.
Guided help is especially useful for providing:
Diagnostic or troubleshooting assistance
Help with product selection
Interactive processes
What is a Case Base?
Case Bases drive the guided help search mode, which asks the user questions to accurately determine the nature of their query. It then matches their query against a store of known scenarios. When a matching scenario is found, the user is presented with a relevant article.
A case base is a map of these scenarios (known as cases) and the questions which must be asked to distinguish one case from another.
What is it Made of?
In the Knowledge Console, you can set up guided help case bases with the help of special case base objects such as:
Clusters: A case base is divided into modular sections, known as clusters. Each cluster consists of a sub-set of cases, and the objects used to build those cases.
Cases: Questions, articles, and control actions are built up into scenarios, known as cases.
Questions: The user must answer questions to define and clarify their query. The answers given are used to determine which known scenario (i.e. case) best matches this query.
Answers and Answer Sets: The response to the questions. Answer sets are combinations of answers that are common to questions in the case base.
Control actions: These are instructions to direct and manipulate the search, based on the answers that the user has given so far.
How does it Work?
Each case consists of the questions and answers that distinguish the case, and a solution—which is either a relevant article or a control action (to re-direct the search elsewhere).
During a guided help search, the user gives answers to questions, which are used to score cases for relevance.
Cases that match the user’s answers are more relevant and earn higher scores.
The search uses these scores to decide which question to ask next, and ultimately, which solution to present to the user.
When customers search for specific topics or browse to certain areas, you may wish to guide them directly into a guided help session. The application allows you to create an article and tell it which case base to launch.
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