Creating Case Bases

To create a case base:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Case Bases.

  2. On the Case Base page, click the New button.

  3. In the Create Case Base pane, on the General tab, provide the following details:

    1. Name: Type the name of the case base.

    2. Description: Provide a brief description.

    3. Translate: Click the Toggle toggle button button if you want the case base to be considered for translation when the content is exported for translation.

  • create_casebase
  1. Click the Save button.

The Startup Cluster tab is enabled only after you click the Save button.

  1. Next, go to the Startup Cluster tab and select the startup cluster of the case base. When a case base is created, a root cluster is created automatically and it is set as the startup cluster. You can create new clusters and set them as the startup cluster for the case base.


  2. Next, go to the Guided Help Profiles tab and click the Add  button to associate profiles with the case base. By default, the profile associated with the user who is creating the case base is associated with the case base. From the available profiles, you can change the default profile for the case base.

  3. Next, navigate to the Search Settings tab and configure the settings for the profiles selected in the Guided Help Profiles tab. Select the profile for which you want to change the search settings and set the following:

    • Close Session On Accept: When this option is enabled, the search session is closed automatically when the user clicks the Accept button at the end of a search. By default this option is enabled. Select No to disable it.

    • Close Session On Reject: When this option is enabled, the search session is closed automatically when the user clicks the Reject button at the end of a search. By default this option is enabled. Select No to disable it.

    • Stemming: Use this option to enable stemming. The term stemming refers to the reduction of words to their roots, for example, different grammatical forms, or verb forms of one word are identified and considered as the same word. For example, stemming ensures that the words travel, traveled, traveling are recognized as the same word. The removal of the suffix of a word helps improve matching. Stemming is used for text questions. By default stemming is enabled. Select No to disable it.

    • User Answer Override: Use this setting to determine whether user supplied answers to questions are allowed to overwrite the question answer, if the question is auto-answered through a control action. By default it is disabled. Select Yes to enable it.

  1. Next, go to the Manage Releases tab to create, update or manage a release. For more information about releases, see About Releases.

  2. Click the Save button.

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