Managing Releases

If needed, you can temporarily withdraw case bases from your self-service portal and restore them easily with a click of a button.

You can also rollback live releases to the previous version of the live release. Using the rollback option, you can move back to the last released version of the live release.

Withdrawing Released Case Bases

To withdraw a released case base:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, navigate to Authoring > Case Bases.

  2. On the Case Base page, select a case base.

  3. In the Case Base pane, click the Edit button.

  4. Select the Manage Releases option.

  5. From the Manage Releases tab, select a QA release or a live release. You can check the value from the Status column. 

  6. From the Actions column, click the More More button.

  7. From the dropdown menu, select the Toggle Search option. The release is withdrawn from the self-service portal.

Restoring Released Case Bases

To restore a released case base:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, navigate to Authoring > Case Bases.

  2. On the Case Base page, select a case base.

  3. In the Case Base pane, click the Edit button.

  4. Select the Manage Releases option.

  5. From the Manage Releases tab, select a withdrawn QA or a live release. You can check the value from the Status column. 

  6. From the Actions column, click the More More button.

  7. From the dropdown menu, select the Toggle Search option The value in the Status column will change to Released and Searchable and the release is available for search. 

Rolling Back Live Releases

To rollback a live release:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, navigate to Authoring > Case Bases.

  2. On the Case Base page, select a case base.

  3. In the Case Base pane, click the Edit button.

  4. Select the Manage Releases option.

  5. From the Manage Releases tab, select a live release.

  6. From the Actions column, click the More More button.

  7. From the dropdown menu, select the Roll Back option

  8. A message appears notifying that rollback is going to return the contents of the release to its previous state and once the process is started, it cannot be cancelled. Click OK to start the rollback process. Once the rollback process is started a message is displayed and on the completion of the rollback, a notification message is again displayed to the author.

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