Creating Answer Sets
To create an answer set:
In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Case Bases.
On the Case Base page, select Case_Base_Name > Root Cluster.
In the Root Cluster pane, select the Answer Sets tab, and click the New
In the Create Answer Set pane, on the General tab, provide the following details:
Name: Type a name for the answer set.
Description: Type a brief description for the answer set.
Select Cluster: With this option you can change the cluster of the answer set you are creating. By default, the field shows the name of the cluster in which you are creating the answer set. To change the cluster, click the Browse button, and from the Select Cluster window, select the cluster to which you want to move the answer set.
It is best to create an answer set in the Root Cluster.
Next, go to the Answers tab, and do the following:
Click the Add Answer button, in the New Answer window, type the answer you want to add and click Enter.
Add multiple answers by pressing the Enter key after every answer.
To change the order of answers, select an answer and click the Move Up or Move Down button.
To change the parent and child nodes of answers, select the answer and click the Move Left or Move Right button.
Uncheck the Answer is visible option to make an answer invisible. An invisible answer is not presented to the users searching the case bases and is generally used in control actions to auto-answer questions.
Check the Answer should be treated as literal option to enable it. By default this option is not enabled. Answers are made literal to prevent stemming. This is used for text questions. A word can have multiple forms, but if you want the search to return results only when the user answers with a particular word, and not any form of the word, then you can make that answer literal. For example, the word ring can have forms like ring, ringing, rings, etc. Now, if you want the search to return results only when the user gives the answer ring, then make the word literal. But, if you want that no matter what form of the word the user answers with, the results should be shown to him, then do not make the answer literal.
To add synonyms for answers, select the answer for which you want to add synonyms. Type the synonyms for the answer under the New Synonyms section and click the Add
button. Check the Literal option under the column to make the synonym literal. By default this option is not enabled.
To delete an answer, click the Options
button and select Delete. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes. If you are deleting an answer which has child nodes, all the child nodes also get deleted.
You cannot delete an answer that is in use in some case. To delete such an answer, first remove the answer from all the cases where it is used.
Next, go to the Comments tab and add comments for your reference. This information is for internal use only, and does not show when a case base is searched.
Click the Save button.
The Details tab is displayed after you save the answer set.
Go to the Details tab. Here you can view the following information:
ID: The ID of the answer set.
Created By: The name of the user who created the answer set.
Created On: The date and time when the answer set was created.
Last Modified By: The name of the user who last modified the answer set.
Last Modified On: The date and time when the answer set was last modified.
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