Creating Answers for List and Text Questions

To create answers for list and text questions:
  1. In the Tree pane, browse to Knowledge Base > Departments > Department_Name > Case Bases > Case_Base_Name > Cluster.

  2. In the List pane toolbar, from the Objects menu, select  Questions.

  3. In the List pane select the question to which you want to add an answer.

  4. To use an existing answer set, select the Use the answers in this answer set option and click the Assistance button. From the Select Answer Set window that appears, select an answer set. If needed, you can edit the properties of the answer set. Also, you can create new answer sets. For details, see Creating Answer Sets.

  5. To add more than one answers to the answer set, point to More and select Add multiple answers. In the New answer window, type the answer and click the Add and New button or press Enter. The answer appears below the answers node. Likewise, you can add multiple answers. To close the window, click Cancel.

  6. To add a single answer, click the New answer button. A dummy answer appears under the answer node. Click on the dummy answer and type the answer you want to add.

  7. To change the order of answers, select an answer and click the Move Up or Move Down button.

  8. To change the parent and child nodes of answers, select the answer and click the Move Left or Move Right button.

  9. Uncheck the Answer is visible option to make an answer invisible. An invisible answer is not presented to the users searching the case bases and is generally used in control actions to auto-answer questions.

This option is only available for answers of list questions.

  1. Select the Answer is treated as literal option to enable it. By default this option is not selected. Answers are made literal to prevent stemming. This is used for text questions. A word can have multiple forms, but if you want the search to return results only when the user answers with a particular word, and not any form of the word, then you can make that answer literal. For example, the word “ring” can have forms like, ring, ringing, rings, etc. Now, if you want the search to return results only when the user gives the answer “ring”, then make the word literal. But, if you want that no matter what form of the word the user answers with, the results should be shown to him, then do not make the answer literal.

This option is only available for answers of text questions.

  1. To delete an answer, point to More and select Delete answer. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes. If you are deleting an answer which has child nodes, all the child nodes also get deleted.

You cannot delete an answer that is in use in some case. To delete such answer, first remove the answer from all the cases where it is used.

  1. To view the ID of the answer, select the answer, point to More and select the Show Id  option. In the Id window that opens, you can view the ID of the answer. The Show Id option is enabled only after you save the answer set.

  2. To add an image to an answer, click the More button and select Add/Upload Image. Perform one of the following options in the Insert Image window:

    • Provide the image URL: The images should be stored at a location that is accessible to an external user. If the image is removed from this external resource or the address is changed, the inserted image will no longer be visible. Instead, a red X or a placeholder may appear in its place.

Note: The following options are only available in cloud installations.

    • Upload the image: Click the Browse button to navigate to the image's location on your local drive and select it to upload the image.

    • Drag and drop the image: If the image file is open on your local drive, you can drag the file directly into the empty area of the window.

    • Copy and Paste the image: If the image is open in an image editor, you can copy the image from the editor and past it into the empty area of the window.

Once the image has been selected and added to the Insert Image window, you can view a preview of how the image will appear in the article and the details of the image. You can also edit the width, height, horizontal padding, and vertical padding to further adjust how the image will appear in the article. Depending on your configuration, the following file types can be used in articles: .GIF, .BMP, .JPG, .JPEG, .JPE, .PNG, and .TIF. Image size limits are configured in the Administration Console, but cannot be greater than 12 MB.

Images that are added to an answer appear in the guided help session to provide additional context to the text of the answer.

  1. Click the Save button.