Assigning Permissions for Folders
After you have created folders in the Knowledge Console, you can give the following permissions to User and User Group:
Own Folder
View Folder: This permission is given automatically when you assign the following permissions: Delete Folder, Create Folder, Create Article, Edit Article, Delete Article, or Suggest Article. If the View Folder permission is removed, all other folder permissions are removed automatically.
Edit Folder
Delete Folder
Create Folder: When you give the Create Folder permission, the Create Article permission is assigned automatically.
Create Article
Edit Article
Delete Article
Suggest Article
Manage Suggestions
To assign permissions for folders:
In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Articles.
From the Folders List, locate the folder for which you want to assign permissions. Hover your cursor over the folder and click the More
From the dropdown menu, select Edit.
In the Edit Folder: Folder Name page, go to the Permissions tab and assign permissions to User and User Group on the folder. You can assign permissions in two ways:
Assign permissions to each user or user group individually.
Use the select all checkbox on the top to give permissions to all users or user groups in one go.
Permissions can be given only to those users and user groups who have the appropriate actions assigned to them. When permissions are given to a user group, all users in that user group get those permissions automatically.
Click the Save button.
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