Creating Folders
New folders can be created under existing folders or departments with appropriate permissions.
To create a folder:
In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Articles.
From the Folders List, click the New
In the Create Folder page, on the General tab, provide the following details:
Name: Type the name for the folder.
Translate Content: Click the Toggle
button if you want the articles in this folder to be considered for translation when the content is exported for translation.
Description: Type a brief description.
Folder Path: Click the Select Folder button to provide the folder path.
You can also directly create a sub-folder under any desired folder. Select a folder and click the More button and from the dropdown menu, select the Add option.
Click the Save button to enable the various options in the Permissions tab.
After clicking the Save button, the window refreshes and the Folder ID field is visible. This is the unique ID of the folder that is automatically provided.
Go to the Permissions tab and assign the following permissions: Own Folder, View Folder, Edit Folder, Delete Folder, Create Folder, Create Article, Edit Article, Delete Article, Suggest Article, and Manage Suggestions. For details, see Managing Permissions.
Click the Save button.
Click the Workflows button to apply a knowledge workflow to the folder. You need the Knowledge Manager role to do this task. If this role is not assigned to you, you can only see a read-only view of the workflows that are applied to the folder. For details, see Applying Knowledge Workflows.
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