Applying Knowledge Workflows

After you have created workflows, you need to apply these workflows to the knowledge folders. For each knowledge folder, you can either apply the same workflow to all article types, or you can select different workflows for different article types. The association between knowledge folders and Article Types and workflows is set from the knowledge folder properties. Once the association is made, that information is presented in the Relationships tab of the workflow in read-only view. 

Configure workflows for knowledge folders

Important Things to Note About Configuring Associations

  • The Default Workflow is a master workflow and applies to all knowledge folders (except Suggestions) that do not have a specific workflow association. This association is implied and is not visible in the Workflows Associations window. However, if you explicitly assign the default workflow to the knowledge folder, at that time the association is no longer implicit and is listed along with other associations.

  • If all article types need to be processed by the same workflow, select the All article types option while setting up the association. This ensures that when new article types get added, they are automatically processed by the selected workflow. However, in the future, if you need to apply different workflows to different article types, the workflow using all article types has to be reset to Inherit from parent.

  • If a workflow is applied to a top-level folder, all sub folders in that folder automatically inherit the same workflow. Inheritance is always established from the immediate parent folder of the sub folder. However, this inheritance can be overwritten at the sub folder level. If at any point you want to reset the overwritten inheritance, you can select the Inherit from parent option while setting up the association.

Only users with the Knowledge Base Manager role can apply workflows to knowledge folders.

To apply workflows to knowledge folders:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Articles.

  2. From the Folders List, hover over the folder to which you want to apply the workflow and click the More More button button.

  3. From the dropdown menu, select Edit.

  4. In the Edit Folder: Folder_Name page, click the Workflows button.

  5. In the Workflow Associations window, click the New New button button.

  6. In the Create Workflow Associations window, set the following:

    1. From the Article Type dropdown, select the article types to be processed by the workflow. Select the All article types option to apply the same workflow to all types of articles. This option applies to all article types except for suggestions.

    2. From the Workflow dropdown, select the workflow that applies to the folder and the selected Article Type.

      Make sure that the read-write contributors selected in the workflow being applied have the View Folder and Edit Articles permissions and the read-only contributors in the workflow being applied have the View Folder permissions on the folder.

    Apply a workflow to the knowledge folder

  7. Click the Done button.

To change the association of article types with workflows:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Authoring > Articles.

  2. From the Folders List, hover over the folder to which you want to apply the workflow and click the More More button button.

  3. From the dropdown menu, select Edit.

  4. In the Edit Folder: Folder_Name page, click the Workflows button.

  5. In the Workflow Associations window, from the Actions column, click the Edit  button.

    Click the Edit button to change the workflow association

  6. In the Edit Workflow Associations window, from the Workflow drop down, select the workflow that applies to the selected Article Type. If you want the selected article type to inherit the workflow from the parent folder, select the Inherit From Parent option.

    Change the workflow

  7. If the Knowledge folder has articles (of the selected type) that are being processed by the current workflow, you will be asked to move them. In the window, select the stages in the new workflows that these articles should be moved to and click OK.

  8. Click the Done button.

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