Creating Knowledge Workflows

Before creating workflows, create the stages for the workflows and decide the users and user groups who are going to work on articles as they go through the different stages of the workflow. Also, create the articles necessary to use in the notifications for workflows.

To create a workflow:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Management > Workflows.

  2. On the Workflows page, click the New New button button.

  3. On the Create Workflow page, on the General tab, provide the following details:

    1. Name: Type a name of the Knowledge Workflow.

    2. Description: Type a brief description.

    3. Workflow Type: From the dropdown menu, select whether this workflow is intended for articles or suggestions. You cannot change the workflow type once set.

      Select Article or Suggestion for the workflow type


  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Next, go the Stages tab, and click the New  button. In the Add New Stage window, do the following:
    1. Name: From the dropdown menu, select a stage.

    2. Selected Contributors: From this field, click the Add Add button button. In the window that opens, select the users and user groups from the list who can work on articles in this stage. Make sure that the selected read-write contributors have View Folder and Edit Articles permissions and the selected read-only contributors have the View Folder permissions on the folders which are going to be processed by this workflow. If you want to remove any of the selected contributors, hover your mouse over the name and click the Delete Delete button button.

      Foreign users can be contributors or can skip a stage in the workflow if they are a part of the user group in the department where the workflow is configured. These users need to be assigned the necessary roles and permissions to perform the required actions. 

    3. Selected Users That Can Skip Stage: From this field, click the Add Add button button. In the window that opens, select the users and user groups from the list who can skip this stage. Make sure that the selected users have the necessary View Folder and Edit Articles permissions on the folders which are going to be processed by this workflow. The Selected Users That Can Skip Stage field gives a read-only view of the selected users and user groups.

    4. Send Back to Stage: From the Send Back to Stage field dropdown, select the stage to which the articles are going to be sent back to, in case edits need to be made by users in the previous stages. You can either pick a specific stage, or you can allow the users to pick a stage. The User selects a stage option appears only when there is more than one stage available before the stage being configured. 

      Set the stages for the workflow

Repeat these steps to add more stages to the workflow. The order of stages defines the flow of the workflow. You can change the order of these stages, or remove the stages you do not want as a part of the workflow. For details, see Changing the Order of Stages.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Lastly, in the Notification tab, set up notifications for the knowledge workflow process. For details, see Managing Notifications for Knowledge Workflows.

    Enable notifications for the workflow

  3. After creating the workflow, associate the folders with the knowledge workflow. A read-only view of these associations is displayed in the Relationships tab of the workflows.

    List of folders and article types associated with the workflow

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