Using Instant Answers
Instant Answers provides smart solutions to search queries and improves the customer and agent experience. There are three ways in which this capability can be utilized by users.
Instant Answers for Semantic Suggestions
To use instant answers for semantic suggestions:
Log in to the self-service portal.
In the search bar, provide a search query. For example, type the words, versatile summer fashion tips.
The search results are displayed in the dropdown menu based on the meaning of the words typed rather than a simple keyword-matching solution. The article suggestions displayed in the dropdown menu are closest to matching the search query’s meaning.
Extractive Instant Answers Solutions
To use extractive instant answers solutions:
Log in to the self-service portal.
In the search bar, provide a search query. For example, type the words, what can I do if I have forgotten my account name?
Click the Search button.
If articles with PDF attachments contain information relevant to the search query, then the content from those attachments is also utilized for Instant Answers.
On the search results page, an instant answer is provided. The content of an extracted instant answer could derive its references from one or multiple articles in the knowledge base depending on the settings configured for the portal.
You can also provide feedback for the Instant answer by clicking the Positive Feedback
or Negative Feedback
You can identify a Generative Instant Answer by the reference at the bottom of the article: Answer generated by AI.
Generative Instant Answers Solutions
To use generative instant answers solutions:
Log in to the self-service portal.
In the search bar, provide a search query. For example, type the words, how to quickly return my clothes?
Click the Search button.
On the search results page, an instant answer is provided. This answer generates content from different sources and presents the most appropriate solution to the user. The content of a generated instant answer could derive its references from one or multiple articles in the knowledge base depending on the settings configured for the portal.
If articles with PDF attachments contain information relevant to the search query, then the content from those attachments is also utilized for Instant Answers.
You can also provide feedback for the Instant answer by clicking the Positive Feedback
or Negative Feedback
You can identify a Generative Instant Answer by the reference at the bottom of the article: Answer generated by AI.
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