Configuring AI Settings

The portal settings for AI - Instant Answers can only be configured once the Partition settings for AI have been enabled. For more information about configuring these settings at the partition level, see Administration Console Help. The portal-level settings allow users to enable or disable Instant Answers for different portals. To control these settings at the portal level, users require the Knowledge Manager role. 

The Search AI tab is only accessible to users after saving the portal. 

To configure instant answer settings for the portal: 
  1. Log in to the Knowledge Console. 

  2. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Publishing > Portals

  3. On the Portals page, select the portal for which you want to enable AI settings. 

  4. On the Edit Portal page, navigate to the Search AI tab.

    The Search AI tab is only visible to users when the AI settings have been enabled at the partition level. 

  5. From the Instant Answers section, set the following properties: 

    1. Display an Instant Answer in response to search queries: Click the Toggle button to enable extracted Instant Answers to be provided as solutions to users on the knowledge portals. The following settings are visible only after Instant Answers are enabled:

      1. Threshold Score: Use this setting to determine how closely the content and context match the user query to qualify as an answer. The range for this setting is between 0-0.99, with the default value set at 0.8.

      2. Use Generative AI to construct an Instant Answer: Select the checkbox if you want generative Instant Answers to be presented as solutions to the users on knowledge portals. This setting can only be enabled when the Use Instant Answers to respond to search queries setting has been enabled. The following settings are displayed only if the generative Instant Answer checkbox is selected:

        1. Threshold Score: Use this setting to determine how closely the content and context match the user query to qualify as an answer. The range for this setting is between 0-0.99, with the default value set at 0.75.

        2. Maximum Article Snippets: This setting determines the maximum number of referenced article snippets used to create a generative Instant Answer. Referenced snippets are portions of articles that contribute to generating an answer. These snippets can originate from one article or multiple articles. The range for this setting is between 1-10, with the default value set at 5.

      Configure AI Settings for the Portal

  6. From the Typeahead & Search section, set the following properties:

    1. Use Semantic Suggestions for typeahead in search: This setting enables a search based on the meaning of the keywords typed in the search bar. Click the Toggle button to enable or disable this setting. Once you enable these settings, the following settings are visible:

      1. Similarity Score: Use this setting to determine how closely the content of your knowledge base should match the search phrase to qualify as an answer. The range for this setting is between 0-0.99, with the default value set at 0.2.

      2. Total Suggested Records: This setting determines the maximum number of typeahead suggestions displayed on portals. The range for this setting is between 1-10, with the default value set at 5.

      3. Advanced Settings

        1. Minimum Bold Score: This setting determines the minimum score required to present the suggestions in a bold format. The range for this setting is between 0-0.99, with the default value set at 0.2.

        2. Answer Highlight Score: This setting determines the score required to highlight the entire sentence for the suggestion. The range for this setting is between 0-0.99, with the default value set at 0.2.

  7. Click the Save button. 

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