Changing the Language

You can select a language for use in a session. You can change either the following or both:

  • Knowledge: Change the language for articles and folder content. 

  • UI: Change the language for the application. 

You can only change the language if the system is configured for more than one language.

To change the language for content:
  1. From the Console Toolbar or the User options menu, click the Change Language: KB change language option.

  2. In the Change Language window, click the Select Knowledge Base Language dropdown. The list of all languages assigned to you by the administrator appears.

  3. Select a language from the list.

  4. Click the Done button.

    change language

The console refreshes and displays the content in the selected language.

To change the language for the application:
  1. From the Console Toolbar, click the User Options menu.

  2. Select the Change Language: UI change language option.

  3. In the Change Language: UI window, click the Select UI Language dropdown. The list of all languages assigned to you by the administrator appear.

  4. Select a language from the list.

  5. Click the Done button.

The console refreshes and displays the application content in the selected language.

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