Bulk Publish

Bulk Publish allows you to publish multiple articles in a workflow with one operation. These articles can be in the Staging stage or in any of the stages between the Staging stage and Publish stage. This feature is not available for master portals.

Users need to be assigned a Publish from Staging action to publish these articles.

To bulk publish articles:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Publishing > Portals.

  2. On the Portals page, select a user-defined portal from where you want to publish the articles.

  3. In the Edit Portal page, click the Manage Portals button.

  4. From the Manage Portals menu, select the Publish from Staging option. The Publish from Staging window opens.

  5. In the Publish From Staging window, click the Start Publishing button.

    Bulk publish articles

The status reflects the readiness of the article to be published. Articles that are in an error state cannot be published. The error message for an article can be viewed by clicking the Error link. An error message is shown under the following conditions:

  1. The article has been checked out by another user.

  2. The user does not have View Folder permissions.

  3. The user is not a contributor in the Staging stage for the workflow processing the article.

  4. The user cannot skip one or more review stages between the Staging and Publish stages in the workflow processing the article.

The Publish from Staging window periodically refreshes while publishing is in progress, with the Ready status being updated to Published to identify articles that have been published. 

While publishing is in progress users can:

  1. Navigate away from the Publish from Staging window to perform other tasks in the Knowledge Console.

  2. Navigate to other consoles.

  3. Logout of the application.

When publishing is completed:

  1. If the user is still in the Knowledge console, an alert is displayed.

  2. An internal message is sent to the user.

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