About Staged Authoring
Staged Authoring feature is only available for Article workflows.
Staged Authoring allows users other than authors to view articles that are actively in the process of being updated. This allows users to view and provide feedback for articles that have not been published yet. The Staged Authoring feature enhances the spectrum of users who can perform acceptance testing for an article. To use Staged Authoring, the Staging stage must be added to an article workflow.
Managing Staging Stage
The Staging stage in a workflow allows an article that has not yet been published to be available in the portal. Staging is an out-of-the-box workflow stage that can be added to Article workflows. It is recommended that the Staging stage be the last review stage in a workflow before the Publish stage, as this simplifies the workflow configuration necessary to accommodate the authors who are going to be bulk publishing articles in this stage. For more information on Bulk Publishing, see Bulk Publish.
To add the staging stage:
- Create a new workflow and select the Staging stage from the Stages tab. For more information on creating workflows, see Creating Knowledge Workflows.
To remove the staging stage:
- Removing the Staging stage from the workflow ensures that the article being processed by the workflow is removed from the portal and is no longer available in the Authoring or Staging views. For more information on removing a stage from the workflow, see Removing Stages from a Workflow.
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