Article Subscription

The article subscription feature allows agents and authenticated customers to be notified when the content of an article is updated. This feature is helpful in keeping agents and customers updated about the latest information that is available for an article.

Notifying Subscribed User

Users need to have their email addresses configured to get the subscription notifications. The notification contains the summary that the author updates upon clicking the Publish button to publish the new version of the article.

It is important to note that a notification is sent only if the Major Update box in the Summary window is checked while publishing the article.

The Subscription notification email format setting in the Administration Console allows users to switch between HTML format and plain text for notification content. The HTML format contains a link for the article that has been updated along with an option to unsubscribe to the article. The plain text notification contains the name of the article and explains how to unsubscribe.

To configure the article subscription feature:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Publishing > Portals.

  2. On the Portals page, select the portal for which you want to enable the article subscription feature.

  3. On the Edit Portal page, go to the More Options tab.

  4. Navigate to the Article Subscription section and set the following:

    1. From Address for Article Subscription: Enter the email address to use as the from address in the email sent for notifications.

    2. From Name for Article Subscription: This appears as the name for the email address.

      Provide the email details for article subscription

    After configuring the article subscription feature, you must create a short URL for the custom template. For more information, see Using Short Portal URLs.

  5. Click the Save button.

Enabling Article Subscription on the Portal 

To subscribe to an article:
  1. While viewing an article on the self-service portal, click the Subscribe button.
To unsubscribe to an article:
  1. If you want to unsubscribe to an article, click the Unsubscribe button. Users can also open specific articles and click the Unsubscribe button.

Viewing Subscribed Articles on the Portal 

To view a subscribed article:
  1. Sign in to the knowledge portal as a portal user.

  2. Navigate to the More button and select Subscriptions. Here you can view a list of the articles to which you are subscribed.

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