Downloading Templates

Templates can be downloaded to give offer managers examples of the formatting and files that make up a template. There may also be instances in which a template is useful, but requires minor changes to become more relevant. In this instance, the template components can be downloaded, edited, and uploaded as a new template.

To download a template:
  1. Go to the Template List View.

  2. Click the checkbox next to the template you wish to download.

  3. Click the Download button.

  4. Save the template .zip file to your local directory.

  5. Open the .zip file to view its contents, which include:

    • egpsoffer.template file: This file contains the HTML content to be shown as part of the offer banner.

    • CSS folder: Contains the CSS file that determines the style and look of text associated with the template.

    • Image folder: Contains the image that will be used as the background for the template. The image should be in .gif format.

    • ReadMe.html: A ReadMe file with additional information about the template.

  6. From here, you can edit the files to create your own template. When you’re satisfied with your edits, you can upload the files as a new template.