About Email Infrastructure
The following resources can be configured for emails in the application:
Email Accounts: Accounts can be configured to work through OAuth 2.0 authentication to run POP, IMAP, and SMTP protocols to provide a more secure email infrastructure.
Secure Messaging: This feature allows businesses to create online secure message centers for their customers who can log into their inboxes in the secure message center portals to view, compose, or respond to emails with agents.
Aliases: Aliases are mapped to email addresses and function as email entry and exit points in the system.
Blocked file extensions: This is a security feature that provides the ability to selectively block certain types of attachments that may contain viruses. Attachments of such types can be blocked from entering the system. Using the settings for email attachments, the system can be configured to block all attachments, block incoming and outgoing attachments, and delete or quarantine a blocked attachment.
Delivery exceptions: This feature allows users to handle bounced-back emails. The system includes 144 common delivery exception scenarios. Other exceptions can be created as needed. Administrators can set up different words and phrases for email subjects and email addresses of incoming emails. Emails are treated as bounce-back, permanent or temporary if any of these words or phrases are found in the subject or email address. A permanent bounce-back indicates that an irreparable reason (such as an invalid email address) caused the email to bounce back. A temporary bounce-back indicates that a temporary reason (such as out-of-office reply, destination server down, etc.) caused the email to bounce back.
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