About Service Levels
Service levels allow users to set up response time expectations for incoming customer service interactions. Service levels can be defined for cases and all activities other than chat activities. Once defined, they are used in workflows to influence activity routing. Service level performance reports are available in Analytics.
Email and social service level configurations also allow for turnaround time. An activity assigned to agent is considered to be turned around by the agent once the agent performs any of the following actions manually on that activity: send, send and complete, complete and transfer. Turnaround time for an activity is the time measured from the point the activity got assigned to the agent, till the point it was turned around by the agent. This can be measured in business hours or the 24 hour format.
Average turn around time is the total turnaround time (for all the turned around activities) divided by the number of activities turned around. If the agent turns it around a second time (by completing the activity), the number of activities turned around for the agent is two. Thus the same activity can be turned around more than once by the same agent. Action by rules to move an activity out of agent inbox (auto pushback/transfer by alarm workflows) are not considered in counting turned around activities.
For example, agent1 composes an activity and assigns it to agent2. Agent2 completes the activity. In this case, this activity is considered as turned around by agent2, but is not considered as a turned around activity for agent1. With this information, analysts can also calculate the percentage of activities that meet a specific turnaround time. For example: While configuring the report the turnaround time for email can be specified to be one hour.
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