Creating User Subgroups

A group can be added as a subgroup to another group, to assign additional privileges such as roles, actions, permissions, etc. to the subgroup. For example, if you want the administrator group to also act as supervisors, you can add the administrator group as the subgroup of the supervisor group. Along with the privileges the administrator group already has, it also gets all the privileges of the supervision group.

To create a subgroup:
  1. Based on where you want to create a user subgroup, do one of the following:

    • If you are a partition administrator, from the Partition and Departments dropdown menu, go to the partition space.

    • If you are a department administrator, from the Partition and Departments dropdown menu, go to a department.

  2. In the Navigation menu, browse to Users > User Groups.

  3. Identify the user group for which you want to create a subgroup.

  4. To create a new subgroup, do the following:

  5. If you want to use an existing group as a subgroup, do the following:

    • In the Actions column, click the Options Options button button. 

    • Select Edit from the menu.

    • Go to Relationships tab and in the User Sub Groups section, select from the available group.

      Select sub groups

    • Click the Save button.

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