Charts Formats
The Charts gadget enables you to visualize reports in a variety of chart formats as part of your dashboards. Reports must be built first and require an associated report model in order to build charts.
If you choose to view a real-time report as a chart, the Real-time Timer in the icon menu updates the chart automatically after a certain period of time. You can set the refresh rate by sliding the bar across to the refresh rate time you need. To show or hide the timer, minimize or maximize the icon menu. This timer is not available for historical reports.
Common Options
Across all chart types, the charting options in the gadget menu pane includes the following options:
Chart type: Select a different chart type. Choose from the following chart types:
Chart sub-title: Enter text to display as a title above the chart, or leave blank to show no title.
Chart sub-title position: Select whether the title should appear on the left, center or right of the gadget.
Background color: Pick a color or input a hex code to re-color the chart canvas (default: white; hex code #ffffff).
Legend position: Align the legend on the right of the gadget (vertical) or at the bottom (horizontal). This option is not available for the Grid View, Gauge Chart, Single Row Card or Multi-Row Card.
Grid View
The default view shows the report data in tabular format. Useful to preview the data before charting it.
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Hide footer: Check the box to hide the footer bar for a cleaner look. This also hides the pagination controls and the ability to choose columns.
Show totals only: This hides the body of the report so that only the column headers and total row are visible.
On the grid report itself, you can optionally do any of the following:
Change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping the column headers.
Change the order of the rows by clicking in a column header to re-sort the report by that column.
Re-size a column by dragging its right border.
If the footer bar is shown, use the pagination controls within it to step through the pages of the report. Select the number of rows to show per page (10, 20, 30, 50 or 100).
If the footer bar is shown, click on the button on the left of the bar to select which report columns to show or hide in the gadget. This can be useful to show a subset of the columns without having to rebuild the report in Report Builder.
Hiding a dimension column does not group the data that is sliced by that dimension. For example, if you have a report of 10 agents’ data and you hide the Agent column, you will still have 10 rows of data in the report but may not be able to see which row is which.
Pie Chart
Useful for showing the proportion that each resource contributes to the total for a given metric (such as volume by queue). Alternatively, show the proportion that each metric contributes to a combined total (such as serviced and abandoned).
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Category column: Select a dimension to slice by – each resource or interval within the dimension will appear as a slice. Alternatively, select None to slice the pie into metrics instead.
Values to plot: Select one or more metrics. If multiple metrics are selected then the pie will be sliced into these metrics (such as Average Work Time, Average Hold Time and Average Wrap Time).
Maximum number of segments: Enter the number of slices at which to limit the pie, or leave blank for unlimited slices. The largest segments will be shown until the limit is reached, and any smaller segments will be excluded.
Limiting the number of segments may be misleading since users will only see a partial pie that will appear as if it is the full pie. As an alternative, consider grouping the smallest segments as 'Other'.
Label position: Select whether the labels for slices should be visible outside the pie, inside or should only appear on hover.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the slices. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Group as 'Other': Set a percentage (such as 2%). Any slices that are smaller than this percentage of the total are grouped and labelled as Other, and do not appear individually.
Donut Chart
Useful for the same reasons as the Pie Chart, but also shows the total across all resources and metrics in the middle. Donut charts share the same charting options in the gadget menu pane as pie charts.
When using donut charts for percentage metrics, where the total should be 100%, it is possible that the total displayed in the chart goes slightly below or above 100% due to rounding.
Gauge Chart
Useful to show where the value for a given metric sits on the scale between a given minimum and maximum value (provided or automatically calculated). Gauge charts are mainly useful for real-time reports to easily monitor data as it changes.
The color of the gauges are determined by the report thresholds (specifically the foreground color of the threshold), and change if the values match a given threshold. Due to this, legends are not available for this chart type. If no thresholds are defined or matched, then the default color is green.
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Category column: Select a dimension to slice by. This will show a different gauge for each resource or interval in the dimension. Alternatively, select None to show a single aggregated gauge across all resources and intervals.
Values to plot: Select one metric to be measured by the gauge.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the gauge. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Minimum gauge value, Maximum gauge value: Set the range of values for the gauge, based on what you expect the smallest and largest possible values to be. For example, if the metric is a percentage then you can set 0-100 as the range.
Maximum no of gauges to display: Enter a number to limit the number of gauges that may be shown in the gadget (if slicing by a dimension).
Line Chart
Useful for showing trends over time. Can plot a single line, multiple lines to compare the same metric across resources (such as volume by queue) or multiple lines to compare similar metrics (such as serviced and abandoned).
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
X axis: Select a dimension to represent along the X axis. Typically this will be a time period (such as Date or Month).
X axis title: Optionally enter text to label the X axis.
Values to plot: Select one or more metrics to measure. Each metric appears as a separate line and the scale is measured on the Y axis.
Y axis title: Optionally enter text to label the Y axis.
Category column: Select a dimension by which to break out the data, such as Queue. The line for each metric will be split into separate lines for each resource that appears in this dimension. Select None if this is not desired.
Show datapoints, Show gridlines: Check the boxes to display these visual aids in the chart.
Smoothing: Select the type of line that will make the trends readable and aesthetically pleasing. There are several options to experiment with, but the most popular are Linear (which shows a straight line between each data point, and potentially a jagged line overall) and Monotone (which shows a gently curving line).
Interpolate missing data: If there is no datapoint for a given interval, checking this box causes the line to pass from one available datapoint to the next as if there is an imaginary datapoint between them, rather than dropping to zero for the interval with the missing data.
Y axis scaling: Select Absolute to plot all lines on a common scale. Select Relative to canvas to superimpose lines onto the same space even if they have very different scales. Each line will be plotted with its highest value at the top of the chart and its lowest at the bottom. This is useful for comparing trend directions without being concerned about the specific values.
If Relative to canvas scaling is selected, no Y axis scale will be shown by default. Each line’s Y axis scale can be shown by hovering over the line or over its legend.
Min Y axis value, Max Y axis value: Optionally, set the range of values for the Y axis scale, to ensure the scale remains consistent. For example, if the metric is a percentage then you can set 0-100 as the range. Otherwise, the Y axis scale will be dynamic to the lowest and highest values that occur in the data each time the chart is used.
X axis label rotation, Y axis label rotation: Enter a number of degrees by which to rotate the text of the values that appear on the axis. For example, enter 45 to show the text at a 45-degree diagonal angle. Leaving blank will auto-rotate the text horizontally or diagonally depending on how much space is available.
Label position: Select whether the labels for datapoints should be visible on the chart at all times or should only appear on hover.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Axis label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart axes. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Show thresholds: Checking this box shows any report thresholds as dotted lines on the chart (in the foreground color of the threshold) so that it is easy to see if lines have risen above or dropped below these thresholds.
Group as 'Other': Set a percentage (such as 2%). Any metrics or category column resources that are smaller than this percentage of the total are grouped and labelled as Other, and do not appear individually.
Combo Chart
Useful for showing the correlation over time between metrics that operate on 2 different scales (such as counts & durations; counts & percentages; durations & percentages). Plots a line chart super-imposed over a bar chart. The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Category axis: Select a dimension to represent along the X axis. Typically this will be a time period (such as Date or Month).
Category axis title: Optionally enter text to label the X axis.
Primary measure axis value: Select one metric to visualize as a bar chart. The scale is measured on the Y axis on the left of the chart.
Secondary measure axis values: Select one or more metrics to show as lines. These should use the same scale as each other (either whole numbers, decimals, durations or percentages). Each metric appears as a separate line and the scale is measured on the Y axis on the right of the chart.
Value axis label for primary measure, Value axis label for secondary measure: Optionally enter text to label the left and right Y axes.
Show gridlines: Check the box to display this visual aid in the chart.
X axis label rotation, Primary axis label rotation, Secondary axis label rotation: Enter a number of degrees by which to rotate the text of the values that appear on the axis. For example, enter 45 to show the text at a 45-degree diagonal angle. Leaving blank will auto-rotate the text horizontally or diagonally depending on how much space is available.
Label position: Select whether the labels for the bars and datapoints should be visible on the chart at all times or should only appear on hover.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Axis label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart axes. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Multi-row Card
Useful for wall-board displays to highlight a set of key metrics, particularly where the user is situated closer to the display. This chart type shows report totals and will only work if the metrics in the report have aggregations selected.
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Values to plot: Select one or more metrics to measure. Each metric appears as a separate list item on the card.
Select icon: Optionally. pick an icon to decorate the card. There are icons for different channels.
- Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the text on the card. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Single-row Card
Useful for wall-board displays to highlight a set of key metrics, particularly where the user will be situated further away from the display. This chart type shows report totals and will only work if the metrics in the report have aggregations selected.
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Values to plot: Select one or more metrics to measure. Each metric appears as a separate card.
KPI name position: Select whether the metric name should appear above or below the metric value and whether it should be aligned left, center or right.
KPI label font size (px), KPI value font size (px): Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the text on the card for the metric name and metric value respectively. Leave blank to use the default text size.
KPI card radius (px): A blank value will mean that the cards have angular corners. Entering a number between 1 and 50 gives the cards rounded corners with higher numbers producing more rounded corners.
Title alignment: Choose how to align the card titles – left, center or right.
Show/Hide card title: Check the box to show a title on each card. Card titles can provide additional context for the metric name.
Edit labels/titles: Check the box to make metric names and card titles editable. While the box is checked, click on a card title or metric name to type a new value.
Card background color: Pick a color or input a hex code to re-color the cards (default: dark blue-gray; hex code #304050).
Card value color, KPI card label color: Pick a color or input a hex code to re-color the text on the cards – the metric value and metric name respectively (default: white; hex code #ffffff).
Heatmap Chart
Can be used to show hotspots in data (such as high volume or wait times) across two axes (such as queue and hour). The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Y axis category: Select a dimension to represent along the Y axis, such as Queue. The heatmap will be divided into a grid with a row for each resource in the dimension.
Y axis label: Optionally enter text to label the Y axis.
X axis category: Select a dimension to represent along the X axis. Typically this will be a time period (such as Date or Month). The heatmap will be divided into a grid with a column for each interval in the dimension.
X axis label: Optionally enter text to label the X axis.
Values to plot: Select one metric to be measured by the chart.
X axis position: Select whether to show the X axis at the top or bottom of the heatmap.
X axis label rotation, Y axis label rotation: Enter a number of degrees by which to rotate the text of the values that appear on the axis. For example, enter 45 to show the text at a 45-degree diagonal angle. Leaving blank will auto-rotate the text horizontally or diagonally depending on how much space is available.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Axis label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart axes. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Lower legend color: Pick a color or input a hex code to represent ‘cold spots’ on the heatmap, where the metric values are lowest (default: white; hex code #ffffff).
Higher legend color: Pick a color or input a hex code to represent ‘hot spots’ on the heatmap, where the metric values are highest (default: red; hex code #bb2222).
A gradient of intermediate shades between the lower and higher legend colors will be selected automatically to represent intermediate values - "medium spots" between the "cold spots' and "hot spots".
Bar Chart
Useful for general comparisons. Compare a given metric across resources (such as volume by queue), compare multiple similar metrics (such as serviced and abandoned) and compare a metric across intervals. Stacked bar charts are useful for showing metrics or resources as proportions of a total.
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Category axis: Select a dimension to represent using the bars on the chart. There will be a bar for each resource or interval within the dimension. Alternatively, select None to use the bars to represent different metrics instead.
Category axis title: Optionally enter text to label the category axis.
Values to plot: Select one or more metrics to measure. If the Category Axis is set to None then there is a bar for each metric. Otherwise, there is a bar for each resource or interval, and if multiple metrics are selected then each bar is divided into a segment for each metric.
Value axis title: Optionally enter text to label the value axis. This axis shows the scale against which the bars are measured. It will be the Y axis on a vertical bar chart or the X axis on a horizontal bar chart.
Category column: Select a dimension by which to break out the data. Each bar will be divided into a segment for each resource within the dimension.
If the bars are already divided into segments for different metrics then selecting a category column will cause them to be divided into segments for each combination of metric & resource.
X axis label rotation, Y axis label rotation: Enter a number of degrees by which to rotate the text of the values that appear on the axis. For example, enter 45 to show the text at a 45-degree diagonal angle. Leaving blank will auto-rotate the text horizontally or diagonally depending on how much space is available.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Axis label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart axes. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Label position: Select whether the labels for the bars should be visible on the chart at all times or should only appear on hover. If the bars are unsegmented, then there is a choice of showing the value only or showing the value & category axis label on the bar. If bars are segmented, then only the value may be shown.
Hide category axis: Check this box to hide the category axis labels below or beside the chart. This can be used in conjunction with the label position option (see above) to show those labels on the bars themselves. This is useful if the metric or resource names are particularly long, such as article names.
Orientation: Select Column chart to arrange the bars vertically, or Bar chart to arrange the bars horizontally.
Stack bars: If the bars are divided into segments, check this box to create a stacked bar chart, in which the segments are stacked into a combined bar. Otherwise, segments will appear as parallel bars that are clustered together.
Value axis scaling: Applies if using a bar chart divided into unstacked segments. Select Absolute to plot all segments on a common scale. Select Relative to make segments appear proportionate to each other and easier to compare even if they have very different scales.
If Relative scaling is selected, no value axis scale will be shown by default. Each segment’s value axis scale can be shown by hovering over the segment or over its legend.
Show thresholds: Checking this box shows any report thresholds as dotted lines on the chart (in the foreground color of the threshold) so that it is easy to see if bars have risen above or dropped below these thresholds. Not available for stacked bars.
Group as 'Other': Set a percentage (such as 2%). Any segments that are smaller than this percentage of the total are grouped and labelled as Other, and do appear individually.
Area Chart
Useful for the same reasons as the Line Chart but adds color to the area below the line. They can be more impactful than line charts but are best used to plot 1 or 2 lines, otherwise there will be too many overlapping colors.
Area charts share the same charting options in the gadget menu pane as line charts (see above), with one additional option:
Opacity for area fill: Enter a percentage value to control how solid or transparent the color in the area below the line is. A higher percentage makes the area more solid and a lower percentage makes the area more transparent.
Stacked Area Chart
Stacked area charts are useful for showing metrics or resources as proportions of a total at each point in time.
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
X axis: Select a dimension to represent along the X axis. Typically this will be a time period (such as Date or Month).
X axis title: Optionally enter text to label the X axis.
Values to plot: Select one or more metrics to measure. Each metric appears as a separate line.
Category column: Select a dimension by which to break out the data, such as Queue. The line for each metric will be split into separate lines for each resource that appears in this dimension. Select ‘None’ if this is not desired.
Show datapoints: Check the box to display this visual aid in the chart.
Smoothing: Select the type of line that will make the trends readable and aesthetically pleasing. There are several options to experiment with, but the most popular are Linear (which shows a straight line between each data point, and potentially a jagged line overall) and Monotone (which shows a gently curving line).
X axis label rotation: Enter a number of degrees by which to rotate the text of the values that appear on the axis. For example, enter 45 to show the text at a 45-degree diagonal angle. Leaving blank will auto-rotate the text horizontally or diagonally depending on how much space is available.
Label position: Select whether the labels for datapoints should be visible on the chart at all times or should only appear on hover.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Axis label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the chart axis. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Group as 'Other': Set a percentage (such as 2%). Any metrics or category column resources that are smaller than this percentage of the total are grouped and labelled as Other, and do not appear individually.
Opacity for area fill: Enter a percentage value to control how solid or transparent the color in the area below the line is. A higher percentage makes the area more solid and a lower percentage makes the area more transparent.
Stack style: Select how the stacked area should be arranged:
Expand: Fills the available area
Wiggle: Adjusts the baseline depending on the relative values
Zero: Sets the baseline to the X axis
Silhouette: Keeps the baseline as centered as possible.
Funnel Chart
Useful to show metrics that are subsets of each other, such as metrics that represent successive milestones in a customer journey, in which some customers will ‘drop off’ at each stage along the way.
Measure the proportion of ‘drop off’ from one metric to the next. For example:
- Visitors eligible to chat to a Virtual Assistant
- Visitors presented with the offer to chat to the Virtual Assistant
- Visitors who accepted the offer
- Visitors who engaged in the chat with the Virtual Assistant
The charting options in the gadget menu pane include the following options:
Values to plot: Select the metrics that will make up the funnel. Hold down the CTRL button while clicking to select multiple metrics. Use drag and drop to re-order the metrics from largest to smallest (from superset to subset) or vice versa.
An error message is displayed if the selected metrics are not of the same type.
Chart shape: Select whether to visualize the data as a funnel or a pyramid. Funnels are best for largest metric to smallest and pyramids for the reverse.
Inverted: Check the box to show the funnel or pyramid visualization upside-down, meaning that pyramids are now best for largest metric to smallest and funnels are now best for the reverse.
Label position: Select whether the labels for metrics should be visible outside the funnel/pyramid, inside or should only appear on hover.
Label font size in px: Enter a value in pixels here to adjust the size of the label text for the metrics. Leave blank to use the default text size.
Show percentage: Check the box to express each metric in the funnel or pyramid as a percentage of the preceding metric (from top to bottom).
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