Editing Media Files

Media files can only exist on organizations that have a remote equipment mapping to a CVP Operations Console.

To edit a media file:
  1. In Resource Manager, go to the folder containing the media file you want to edit, and view the media files in that folder using the Items panel list view.

  2. In the Items panel, click on the media file you want to edit. The details of this media file are displayed in the Details panel.

  3. To change the name of the media file resource in eGain Analytics, in the Details tab, enter the new name in the Name field. You can view File Name (the file name on the media file server) and Remote Path (the path on the media file server) but cannot change them.

  4. To change the media file associated with this resource, in the Media tab, click the drop-down by Servers and select the server or servers you want to upload the new media file to. Then click Add Files (may appear as Browse in some older browsers), locate the media file to upload, and click Open.

  5. Click Save to replace the existing media file with the new one. After the upload completes, you will see the upload status.

  6. If an upload fails, you can rest the mouse briefly on the upload status to see more information.

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