About Precision Attributes

A precision attribute (also referred to as an attribute) is some user-defined information that can be associated with an agent. It defines the agent’s knowledge or experience in a particular area and the level of that knowledge or experience. A precision attribute has a name, which identifies the attribute, and a value, which indicates the level an agent has attained for that attribute.

Precision attribute values can be:

  • Boolean (the agent either has that attribute or does not have that attribute)

  • Graded according to proficiency (the agent has attained a specific grade of expertise in that attribute).

Precision attributes are used in precision queues to define rules for routing calls.

Attributes can only be created on organizations that are associated with a Unified CCE instance running Unified CCE version 9.0 or later.


A precision attribute called Mortgage_Training may be defined with a boolean value to indicate whether an agent has been trained to sell mortgages. This attribute can then be associated with a number of agents, and for each agent, the value of the Mortgage Training attribute can be set to either True or False, depending on whether the agent has had the training or not.

Another example could be a precision attribute called Spanish_Speaker with a proficiency value to indicate how fluent the agent is in the Spanish language. If an agent does not speak Spanish, then this attribute can be set to 1 (the lowest possible proficiency value). If the agent is a native Spanish speaker, the attribute can be set to 10 (the highest possible proficiency value). If the agent knows some Spanish but is not very fluent, the attribute could be set to 5.

About Auto-Attributes

Auto-attributes are only available if the optional eGain Analytics Service Management component has been purchased and installed.

An auto-attribute is associated with a precision queue. It is a system calculated attribute that stores an agent's proficiency value based on their performance in that precision queue. eGain Analytics Service Management automatically updates the attribute value to reflect the ongoing performance of the agent.

You can onboard agents to an auto-attribute within a precision queue using the Precision Queue Auto Sync Onboarding Gadgets.

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