About Report Parameters

Report parameters control the type and amount of information shown in a report, as well as determining how the report displays. Not all reports require the same parameters. The parameters required by a particular report will depend on the options available in the report model that the report definition was built, and the choices made in Report Builder when the report definition was built.

The report parameters will almost always include one or more parameter sets defining the resources to report on. Some other common parameters are:

  • Sort On: The column to use to order the rows in the report.

  • Show Only Exceptions: Only show where a specified threshold is exceeded.

  • Text: A line of free text to display at the top of the report.

  • From Date: The start of the time period covered by the report.

  • To Date: The end of the time period covered by the report.

To learn how to specify report parameters see Viewing a Report in your Browser.

Parameter Sets

A parameter set contains a collection of resources of a particular type that can be used to define the contact center resources to report on. Almost all reports require a parameter set as to be specified as part of the report parameters.

For example, an agent parameter set may include all the agents that work in a particular location. The agent parameter set might be used to produce a report on agent performance at that particular location. The same report with a different agent parameter set could report on the performance of a different collection of agents, perhaps at another location, or in a specific agent team.

For more information about creating and managing parameter sets in Analytics, see About Parameter Sets.

Linked Parameter Sets

A linked parameter set is a new parameter set that has been created by linking to an existing parameter set. Like a linked report, a linked parameter set can be located in a different folder to the original parameter set, so users can have their own linked copies of common parameter sets in their home folders.

If the original parameter set changes, the changes will be reflected in the linked parameter sets. If the source parameter set is deleted, all linked parameter sets will be deleted too.

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