Creating Resources in the Resource Manager Gadget

You can create a new resource from the resource grid view. Optionally, you can create several resources of the same type one after the other, either from a blank form each time, or from a pre-populated form where the common details from the previous resource are already completed for you.

Creating a Single Resource

To create a resource:
  1. In the resource grid, make sure that the resource type filter is one of Show All (if not in proxy mode) or the resource type that you want to create.

  2. Click New. If the resource type filter is Show All, choose the resource type you want to create from the list provided. You will see a tabbed form where you can supply the details for the new resource.

  3. Click on each tab in turn and complete the details on that tab. The tabs and the details required will depend on the resource type.

  4. Click Save to save the resource. The resource is created and the resource grid is displayed.

Creating Multiple Similar Resources

To create multiple similar resources:
  1. Create the first resource as described above, but instead of selecting Save, select click the drop-down beside Save, and select one of:

    • Save and Reset Form to save the resource and stay in the resource creation dialog. All fields will be blank. Complete the fields as required.

    • Save and Copy to save the resource and stay in the resource creation dialog. Unique fields will be blank (for example, Name, Enterprise Name, First Name and Last Name for a person) but common fields will be pre-populated with the values you specified for the previous resource. Complete the unique fields and change any other fields as required.

  2. Click Save, Save and Reset Form, or Save and Copy, depending on what you want to do after this resource is saved.

Related Information
  1. Creating Resources in the Resource Manager Gadget

  2. Entering Data in Resource Manager Fields

  3. Viewing And Editing Resource Details and Status

  4. Viewing Resources in the Resource Grid

  5. Moving Resources