Creating and Running Searches

To create a search for articles in the knowledge console:
  1. From the Console Toolbar, click the User Options menu.

  2. Select the Advanced Search Search button option. Alternatively, you can also open the Advanced Search option by clicking the Advanced Search  button from the Global Search dropdown menu.

  3. In the Search window, from the search type dropdown, select Simple.

    Create a new search

  4. From the Object type dropdown list, select one of the following object types: Article, Cluster, Case, Question, Answer Set and Control Action. The Criteria pane refreshes to display a list of attributes available for search.

  5. Choose to search in a specific location by browsing to it from the Look in box. In the Look in window, you can specify the following fields to further limit the scope of search to make it faster:

    1. Department: Specify the department for the search. You can only search in those departments for which you have the required permissions.

    2. Folder Path: Specify the folder path for the search. Use this option when you are fairly sure that the article you are looking for belongs to a particular folder. 

  6. Specify the search criteria. You can search for different attributes depending upon the object that you have selected. The following attributes are available for different objects:

    1. Article: Name, Article ID, Article Type, Description, Keywords, Summary, Content, Macro Name, Additional Information, Related Questions, Last Modified Date, Created Date, Availability Date, Expiration Date, Commit State, Created By, Last Modified By, Published, Checked Out, Checked Out By, Owner.

    2. Cluster: Department Name, Name, Description, Owner, Writer, Guided Help Profile, Release Name.

    3. Case: Department Name, Name, Description, Case Type, Cluster, Release Name.

    4. Question: Department Name, Name, Text of Question, Type, Cluster, Release Name.

    5. Answer Set: Department Name, Name, Description, Cluster, Release Name.

    6. Control Action: Department Name, Name, Description, Cluster, Release Name.

  7. Next, from the search type dropdown, select Complex to further narrow down the scope of search. Click the Add Criteria button. In the Add Criteria window, provide the following details:

    1. Type: You can search for articles by defining criteria that are related to Attachment, Classification, Workflow, Compliance Policy and Personalization.

    2. Attribute: From the dropdown menu, select an attribute value. The value for this field changes depending upon the type of criteria.

    3. Operator: From the dropdown menu, select an operator value. The value for this field changes depending upon the type of criteria.

    4. Value: Provide a value for the criteria type. 

    5. Boolean: Select one of the following values: And, Or

      Search supports filtering of content in .doc .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pub, .vsd, .pdf, .html, and .txt files.

      Add a new criteria for search

  8. You can either save the search or click the Start Search button to start the search.

You can view the results of the search in the Results pane. From the Results pane, you can either export search results or locate articles in the Knowledge Console by selecting the article. 

To run a search:
  1. From the Console Toolbar, click the Search Search button button to open the Search window.

  2. Either create a new search, or open a saved search.

  3. In the Search window toolbar, click the Start Search button. The results are displayed in the Results pane.

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