About Search

Search helps you locate the item that you want in the Knowledge Console by specifying one or more features of the item. Through the Maximum number of records to display for search setting from the Administration Console, the partition administrator can define the maximum number of search results to be displayed to users. The maximum limit that can be defined for this setting is 500.

For more information on changing the number of search results to be displayed, see eGain Administrator’s Guide to Administration Console. If you want to further increase the article search result limit, contact eGain Professional Services.

Types of Searches

There are two ways to search for items in the Knowledge Console:

  1. Global Search: Look for objects based on basic attributes like name and ID.

  2. Advanced Search: Look for objects based on advanced attributes of the object. For example, you can search for an article by looking for the description, created date, macros used, etc.

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