Saving Searches

Searches can be saved for repeated future use. This helps store the attributes that are defined only once while creating a new search and thus saves time.

To save a search:
  1. First, create a search.

  2. In the Search window toolbar, click the Save  button.

  3. In the Save window, provide the following details:

  4. Name: Type a name for the search. Use a name that adequately represents the search attributes.

  5. Type: Select the type of search from the dropdown list. There are two options available.

    • Global Searches: A global search is available to all users.

    • Personal Searches: A personal search is available only to the user who creates it.

      Save your search criteria

  1. Click the Save button to save the search criteria.

To open a saved search:
  1. From the Console Toolbar, click the Search Search button button. The Search window appears.

  2. In the Search window toolbar, click the More More button button.

  3. From the dropdown menu, select Open.

  4. In the Open Search window, from the Type dropdown menu, select the type of search that you want to open. The available options include All, Personal and Global. Default global saved searches include Pending Articles and Rejected Articles. The search criteria is displayed in the Search window.

    Open a saved search

  5. Select the search criteria and click the Open button.

  6. Now you can start the search by clicking the Start Search button.

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