Creating Topics

Topics can be manually created and topics are also automatically created based on the folder structure in the Knowledge Console. The topics that mirror the folder structure allow users to immediately add topics and articles to their portal. Adding one of these automatically created topics to a portal adds all the published articles in that folder to the portal. These topics serve to speed up the publication process and reduce the amount of management required in the Knowledge Console.

 Topics from folders

If users want to have more control over how the articles appear on the portal, manually creating topics and assigning articles to those topics allows users to choose the articles that are available on the portal and control how they appear.

To manually create a topic:
  1. In the Navigation Menu, browse to Publishing > Topics.

  2. From the Topics List, click the New button_new button.

  3. In the Create Topic page, on the General tab, provide the following details:

    • Name: Type the name of the topic. This is required information.

    • Description: Type a brief description.

    • Translate Content: Click the Toggle button_toggle_disabled button if you want to translate the content of the articles that are associated with this topic. This is disabled by default.

    • Image URL: Enter the URL of an image to be displayed in the portal. The optimal size for the image is 100px by 100px, but it can display an image up to 100px(w) x 190px(h). The image should be accessible from the internet.

    • Topic Home Article: Click the Add button_add button. In the Select Article window, select the article from the Topic Home folder to act as the homepage for the topic and click Done. Articles in this folder must be using the Topic Home article type to be selected. Topic Home articles provide a space on the knowledge portal to share more information about the topic and the types of articles the topic contains.

      Create topic

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. The Articles tab is accessible only after saving the topic. Navigate to the Articles tab.

  6. Click the Add button_add button.

  7. In the Topic Articles window, you can add articles in the following ways:

    • Navigate to the desired folder and from the available articles, select the required articles and move them to the Selected Articles list.

    • From the search bar dropdown menu, select either Article or Article ID. You can provide either the article name or the article ID to search for articles. Once you have typed in the desired values, press the ENTER key. From the dropdown list, you can click the article to add it to the Selected Articles list.

      Select articles for the topic

  8. Click Done to confirm your selection and close the window.

  9. Click the Save button.

  10. After selecting the articles for the topic, from the General tab you can force certain articles to the top and bottom of the articles list for the topic:

    • Add Top Order: Click the Add button_add button to select the articles to be displayed on the top of the list.

    • Add Bottom Order: Click the Add button_add button to select the articles to be displayed at the bottom of the list.

  11. Click the Save button.

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