Offers Settings

The frequency and availability of Offers, as well as how they are presented, can be adjusted in the Options window. All of the settings changed here are global settings that apply to all offers.

Options available under the Offers Settings tab include:

  • Interval for checking eligibility of an offer that was not presented (seconds): The time period, set in seconds, after which a website visitor is checked again for eligibility for an automatic chat offer if the offer was not presented to the user when he last became eligible. An automatic chat offer will not be presented if agents are not available or the chat queue depth is met at the time that the visitor becomes eligible.

    • Default value: 120

  • Interval for re-offering accepted offers (seconds): The time period, set in seconds, after which an accepted offer may be presented again if the user remains on the same page in the same user session. This applies to offers that have the Re-Offer on Accept option enabled on the Offers Details page. These offers are presented when the visitor becomes eligible again and can be re-offered on the same page, or on any other pages in which the offers are enabled.

    • Default value: 10

For Agent Offers which are accepted, the interval for re-offering is counted from the time that the previous offer was accepted, not the time that the previous chat or call ended. There is no interval setting for re-offering rejected offers because rejected offers are never re-offered as long as the user remains on the same page.

  • Interval for re-offering ignored offers (seconds):  The time period, set in seconds, after which an ignored offer may be presented again if the user remains on the same page in the same user session. This applies to offers that have the Re-Offer on Ignore option enabled on the Offers Details page. These offers are presented when the visitor becomes eligible again and can be re-offered on the same page, or on any other pages in which the offers are enabled.

    • Default value: 10

  • Limit number of offers per visit: Select either Yes or No to enable or disable a limit on the number of offers during a single visit to the entire website. Selecting Yes enables the next option, which must have a numerical value for these changes to take effect. Selecting Yes enables the next option, which must have a numerical value for these changes to take effect.

    • Default value: No

  • Maximum number of offers per visit: The maximum amount of offers allowed to be presented to a visitor per visit. This applies to offers that have been already presented and new eligible offers that have not been presented to the visitor. Once this number has been met by the visitor, they will not be presented with another offer for the rest of that visit. Specific offers can be configured to be excluded from this limit on the Offer Details page. This field is disabled unless Limit number of offers per visit is set to Yes.

    • Default value: -1

  • Maximum size allowed for offers template zip file (in Kilobytes): This sets the maximum acceptable capacity of a template .zip file that can be uploaded. The maximum allowed size can be anything between 250 KB and 25600 KB. For more information, see Creating Templates.

    • Default value: 250

  • Maximum time on webpage (minutes): The maximum time, set in minutes, for which a website visitor will be checked for eligibility for offers on a given page. After this time, no more offers will be presented to the visitor until he moves to another page; this applies to a single webpage, not for the entire visit to the website. For example, if the maximum time is set to 30 minutes and a visitor remains on the same page for more than 30 minutes, the application will not check for offer eligibility for the remainder of time the visitor is on the page, even if she were to perform the actions necessary to become eligible for an offer. If the same visitor then moves to another webpage on the same website, the timer starts over.

    • Default value: 120

  • Offer expiration period (seconds): The time period, set in seconds, after which an offer will automatically expire and disappear from the screen if the user has neither accepted nor rejected it. An expired offer is considered to have been ignored.

    • Default value: 60

To adjust offer settings:
  1. From the Offers Navigation menu, click the Options button.

  2. The Options window is displayed.

  3. Ensure that the Offer Settings tab has been selected.

  4. Select the setting you wish to change.

  5. Enter the new values.

  6. Click OK. Your changes are saved and the window closes.