Copying Departments

You can copy an existing department and some of its contents to create a new, duplicate department. When you copy a department, there is an established structure, and you can edit the resources available in the department according to the business requirements. Copying departments saves time and eases the task of creating multiple departments.

The following table describes how objects in a department are copied:


Object Name


 Objects in the Administration Console


Copied as in original department with the following exceptions:

Email address is copied as address_new_department_name

Status is always set as Inactive

User name is copied as username_new_department_name

Blocked file extensions

Copied as in original department

Calendars, Day Labels, Shift Labels

Copied as in original department

Chat Entry Points

Copied as in original department

ClicktoCall Entry Points

Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department

Data Adapter Links (Access and Usage)

Copied as in original department


Data Masking for Email and Chat Channels

Not copied

Delivery Exceptions

Copied as in original department

Department share

Department shares and foreign users are copied


Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department

Service levels

Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department

Transfer Codes

Copied as in original department

User Groups

Copied as in original department

User Roles

Copied as in original department


Copied as in original department with the following exceptions:

User name is copied as username_new_department_name

Licenses of users are not copied

Actions, Roles, and Permissions are copied.

Note: Permissions are disabled for the copied users until licenses are assigned to them.



Copied as the original department with the following exception:

The Active field of workflows is set to No.

Screen Attribute Settings

Copied as in the original department

User Attribute Settings

Copied as in the original department

Activity Types

Copied as in the original department

Social Accounts

Copied as in the original department

Social Streams

Copied as in the original department

Objects in the Knowledge Console

Knowledge Base

Copied as the original department with the following exception:

User created folders and articles are copied and same as original department.

Article Types and Templates

Copied as the original department

Knowledge Workflows and Stages for Workflows

Copied as the original department

Article Bookmarks

Not copied

Topics and Portals

Not copied

Case Bases

Not copied


Not copied

To copy a department:
  1. From the Partition and Departments dropdown menu, go to the partition space.

  2. In the Navigation menu, browse to Departments > Departments.

  3. On the List page, locate the department you want to copy.

  4. In the Actions column, click the Options Options button button.

  5. From the dropdown menu, select the Create Copy option.

  6. In the Copy Department window that appears, provide the name of the new department and click Okay to create a copy of the department.

The following characters are not allowed in the name: ! # $ % ^ * = ( ) [ ] ; : ' " | < > , / ? + \{ \}

Copy Department Window

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