Configuring Social Media Accounts for YouTube
Configuring a YouTube Account in the Administration Console requires an active YouTube account with a YouTube channel associated with it. To complete the configuration process, the following items are required:
The user ID of the YouTube account being configured.
The password associated with the YouTube account being configured.
To configure a social media account for YouTube:
From the Partition and Departments dropdown menu, select a department.
In the Navigation menu, browse to Apps > Social > Accounts.
On the List page toolbar, click the New
Click the Toggle switch to make the account Active or leave it to set the account to Inactive. The default setting is Inactive.
On the Properties page, set the following fields:
Name: Provide a name for the account.
Description: Provide a brief description.
Select a network to configure: From the dropdown menu, select YouTube.
Click the Connect with YouTube button.
In the browser tab that opens, follow all the authorization prompts.
Make sure to select the YouTube channel, not the YouTube account.
Copy the authorization code.
Return to the Properties page and update the following fields:
Authorization Code: Paste the copied authorization code.
Click the Complete Authorization button and review the following fields:
YouTube Channel: This value is generated automatically based on the authorization process performed when generating the necessary authorization code.
Click the Save button.
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