Creating a Resource

For more information about resource properties, see the detailed description for each resource. For system resources, see System Resources and for remote resources, see Remote Resources.

System resources can be created anywhere in the folder tree, except below the Search Folders node, but remote resources must be created below an organization.

To create a new resource:
  1. In Resource Manager, in the Folder Tree panel, select the folder where you want to create the new resource.

    • To create a system resource item, click on System, and then select the type of resource you want to create from the drop-down list.

    • To create a remote resource, click on Resource, and then select the type of resource you want to create from the drop-down list.

  2. A new page will be displayed. The contents of this page depend on the resource that is being created. Fill in the details and press Save to confirm or Back to cancel the operation.

  3. You are returned to Resource Manager and the new resource item appears in the resource item list in the Items panel.

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