Deleting Resources

  1. In Resource Manager, in the Folder Tree panel, select the location that contains the resource or resources you want to delete.

  2. If you selected a resource filter from the Folder Tree panel then the Items panel shows a list view showing the resources of that type at that location.

  3. If you selected any other folder from the Folder Tree panel, the Items panel shows a summary view, showing the resource types at that location. In this case, click on a resource type to see the list of resources of that type.

  4. Check the box or boxes of the resource or resources to be deleted.

  5. Click the Delete toolbar button and a confirmation dialog will be displayed.

  6. Click OK button to start the delete operation.

For more information about the effect of deleting a specific resource type, see the description for each resource. For system resources, see System Resources and for remote resources, see Remote Resources.

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