Viewing and Editing Resources

Viewing and Editing Resources Using the Summary View in the Items Panel

To view a particular resource from the Items panel:
  1. In Resource Manager, in the Folder Tree panel, click on the folder that contains the resources you want to view. The Items panel displays a summary view, showing a list of the resource types contained in the folder. If the Items panel was minimized then it will automatically be opened to display the summary view.

  2. In the Items panel, click on the resource type you want to view. The Items panel changes to a list view showing a list of the resources of that type in this location.

  3. To view the details for an individual resource, in the Items panel, click on the resource you want to view. The resource details are displayed in the Details panel.

  4. If you want to edit the resource, make the required changes and click Save.

Viewing and Editing Resources Using a Resource Filter in the Folder Tree

To view a particular resource from the Folder Tree panel, as follows:
  1. In Resource Manager, in the Folder Tree panel, go to the folder that contains the resources that you want to view, and click on the resource filter for the type of resource you want to view. The Items panel displays a list view showing the resources of that type at that location. If the Items panel was minimized then it will automatically be opened to display the list view.

  2. To view the details for an individual resource, in the Items panel, click on the resource you want to view .The resource details are displayed in the Details panel.

  3. If you want to edit the resource, make the required changes and click Save.

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