Using a Resource Template

To use a resource template in the Resource Manager gadget:
  1. Ensure you are on your home page and use the Gadgets menu to add both the Resource Manager Gadget. See Dashboards for more information.

  2. Select the type of resource to be created in the top-right of the gadget.

  3. Click the New button. The properties page for the resource type will open.

  4. Select the folder in which to create the resource.

  5. The Template drop-down menu list the available templates for this resource type. Select a template.

  6. The properties of the resource is pre-populated according to the template. Set any remaining properties and click the Save button.

Related Information

  1. About the Resource Template Manager Gadget

  2. Supported Resource Types

  3. Setting Up the Resource Template Manager Gadget

  4. Creating a Resource Template

  5. Editing a Resource Template

  6. Deleting a Resource Template