About Dashboards

Dashboards (also known as Apps) are saved layouts consisting of charts, reports, and interactive tools. Dashboards enable businesses to quickly view the productivity and efficiency of the various interaction channels. Analytics allows users to quickly and easily build and share dashboards that spotlight and visualize volume metrics and key performance measures. For more information on how to add gadgets to a dashboard, see Building Dashboards

Accessing the Home Page

Dashboards and gadgets are shown on the Analytics home page (advanced mode only). This is the first page displayed upon signing in toeGain Analytics. Click the Analytics logo in the menu bar to return to the home page from any other page.

Dashboard Parameters

In a given dashboard, each chart or report is configured with its own parameters and date ranges. Where multiple charts and reports use parameters along the same dimension (such as agents), it is possible to re-use the same parameter set across these charts and reports to keep them synchronized.

Available Gadgets

The following gadgets are available in the application to be added to dashboards: